The obligor May avail itself of any set-off against the assignee. 债务人可以向受让人主张抵销。
The Content List widget on this page shows the outstanding change requests assigned to this lead, along with important information about each one, such as current state and assignee. 这个页面上的ContentList小部件展示了分配给这个主管的未处理更改请求,以及关于每个请求的重要信息,比如当前状态和负责人。
Within these steps ( labeled Update Case State) setProperty functions can be used to update the properties of a change request document, such as state or assignee. 在这些步骤(标签为UpdateCaseState)中,setProperty函数可以用于更新一个更改请求文档的属性,比如state或assignee。
Subcontractor means the person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person, but not ( except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee. 分包商,指合同协议所述人员及其法定职务继承人,但不包括其任何受让人(除非总承包人同意)。
Where the bankruptcy assignee makes distribution for several times, it shall publicize the amount of property and creditors rights for distribution this time. 破产清算人实施多次破产分配的,应当公告本次分配的财产额和债权额。
Upon receipt of the notice of assignment of the obligee's right, the obligor may, in respect of the assignee, avail itself of any defense it has against the assignor. 债务人接到债权转让通知后,债务人对让与人的抗辩,可以向受让人主张。
But the bankruptcy assignee may pay the total price and ask the seller to delivery the object matter. 但是,破产清算人可以全额支付价金,请求出卖人交付标的物。
The trade of the chattel mortgage subject could cause a conflict between the mortgagee and assignee. 动产抵押物的交易会引起抵押权人和标的受让人之间的利益冲突。
Any assignee or legal successor to either party shall assume all obligations and benefits of the contract. 任何委托代理人或合法继承者承担合同中的所有义务和享有所有权利。
Project assignor and the assignee should be taken in writing, and since the transfer of the date of the contract to30 days notice. 项目转让人和受让人应当书面通知被拆迁人,并自转让合同签订之日起30日内予以公告。
By filing a joint application with the assignee with the Trademark Office. Naturally. Now, what do you do if you find somebody infringing your trademark? 你可以和授权人共同向商标局提出申请。那当然。如果发现有人侵犯商标专用权怎么办?
Transferrable to the ownership of another. The assignment price of company bonds shall be agreed upon between the assignor and the assignee. 可转让的可以将所有权转让给他人的公司债券的转让价格由转让人与受让人约定。
The Official Assignee was not appointed during that period and the creditors did not take any legal challenge to the agreement or to take any steps to recover the debts. 受托人(A)在当时尚未产生而债权人并没有采取任何法律行动挑战该协议或采取行动索帐追债。
The bankruptcy assignee shall report to the Peoples Court on its work when performing duties and be subject to supervision of the creditors conference and the supervisor. 破产清算人执行职务,应当向人民法院报告工作,并接受债权人会议和监督人的监督。
In addition, require the assignor to the assignee also obtained the right to add the word endorsement. 此外,受让人还取得要求转让人加注背书之权利。
After receiving notification, the assignor shall assist the assignee in removing any obstacles. 让与人接到通知后,应当协助受让人排除妨碍。
"Bankrupt" includes any force at the time of the bankruptcy laws in accordance with its property, to grant the trustee or assignee of the person; “破产人”包括任何按照当时有效之破产法律将其财产授与受托人或受让人之人;
The manager or the bankruptcy assignee shall deliver property and management affairs to the debtor and present a report on duty performance to the peoples court. 管理人或者破产清算人应当向债务人移交财产和管理事务,并向法院提交执行职务的报告。
Assignee of only financial rights. 仅包含金融权利的出让受益人。
If that person later assigns the task to someone else, the new assignee becomes the owner. 如果此人后来将该任务转让给其他人,则新的任务接收者成为所有者。
Also, the release plan can now be grouped by Activtiy or Assignee. 而且,发布计划现在可以根据活动或被分配人分组。
"Contractor" means the Party stated in the form of agreement or any assignee thereof. “承包商”指《协议书格式》中规定的当事方或者其受让人。
In the case of assignment of registered share certificates, the company shall record the assignee's name and domicile on the record of shareholders. 记名股票的转让,由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于股东名册。
The patentee or the assignor of the patent right shall repay the whole or part of the fee for the exploitation of the patent or the price for the assignment of the patent right to the licensee or the assignee of the patent right. 专利权人或者专利权转让人应当向被许可实施专利人或者专利权受让人返还全部或者部分专利使用费或者专利权转让费。
A.The Assignor shall withdraw the construction land use right with compensation to the Assignee; 由出让人有偿收回建设用地使用权;
Means of relief should be provided in the legislation while assignee disaffects the decision of the court. 受让人对法院处理决定不服的,立法应明确赋予一定的救济途径。
Revenues earned from compensation for intermediary and agent business or for acting as an assignee. 指因居间及代理业务或受委?等报酬所得之收入。
Where the obligor assigned its property at a low price which is manifestly unreasonable, thereby harming the obligee, and the assignee was aware of the situation, the obligee may also petition the people's court for cancellation of the obligor's act. 债务人以明显不合理的低价转让财产,对债权人造成损害,并且受让人知道该情形的,债权人也可以请求人民法院撤销债务人的行为。