v. 透彻理解; 消化; 吸收; (使)同化; 使吸收,使接受(想法、态度等) assimilate的第三人称单数
V-ERG (使)同化;(使)融入 When people such as immigrants assimilate into a community or when that community assimilates them, they become an accepted part of it.
There is every sign that new Asian-Americans are just as willing to assimilate... 种种迹象表明新一代亚裔美国人也愿意入乡随俗。
His family tried to assimilate into the white and Hispanic communities... 他一家人试图融入白人和西班牙裔社区。
The Vietnamese are trying to assimilate themselves and become Americans... 这些越南人正在努力融入美国社会,成为美国人。
French Jews generally had been assimilated into the nation's culture. 法裔犹太人已经被这个国家的文化同化了。
VERB 吸收;接受;学习 If you assimilate new ideas, techniques, or information, you learn them or adopt them.
I was speechless, still trying to assimilate the enormity of what he'd told me. 我无话可说,一时还无法接受他对我所说之事的严重性。
A good student assimilates knowledge quickly. 好学生吸收知识快。
It's typical for a division to have to report on its operations quickly at the same time as it assimilates an acquisition and loses senior IT developers. 一个典型的情况就是一个部门在完成收购和流失高级IT开发人员的同时必须快速报告它的运营状况。
Yuan Deyu starts researching from technology history, assimilates the thought of Japanese technology theory, and forms a characteristic philosophy of technology path. 远德玉从对技术史的考察出发,吸收日本技术论研究的成果,形成了特有的技术哲学研究路径。
The organic process by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance. 生物体为生长和维持生命而吸收和利用养料的有机过程。
A child assimilates it only gradually. 儿童只能一点一滴地掌握它。
It explores how Guo combines and assimilates the advantages of Oriental literature to form his characteristic innovation spirit and artistic style. 探讨郭沫若如何融铸和吸纳东方文学的长处,形成其独具特色的创新精神和艺术风格。
We need to uphold the great tradition of the melting pot that welcomes and assimilates new arrivals. 我们需要坚持欢迎和同化新移民的大熔炉这一伟大传统。
It assimilates various philosophical thoughts such as Confucianism, Legist thinking, Yin-Yang study, especially the philosophy of Taoism, which is being widely acclaimed by scholars from Han dynasty. 《淮南子》是汉初子学到经学转折点上的巨著,对诸子百家作了综合,尤其是集道家思想之大成,其道论历来为学者所称道。
It works on the spleens and lungs The spleen assimilates external energy and transforms it into internal energy. 该工程对脾,肺脾同化外部能量并将其转换为内部的能量。
Sucrose is not only the product of photosynthesis, but also the major transport form for photosynthetic carbon assimilates. 蔗糖是绿色植物光合作用的最终产物之一,也是绝大多数高等植物体内光合产物运输与分配的主要形式。
It enlarges yield capacity during the vegetative and early reproductive stages, and accelerates production of assimilates at the grain filling stage. 氮提高了营养生长期和生殖生长前期的产量能力,加速灌浆期同化物的生成。
In Marx's view, the way by which abstract thought assimilates the world differs from the artistic and religious way. 在马克思看来,抽象思维掌握世界的方式,与艺术、宗教等的方式是不同的。
Colonies growing to city by natural growth now assimilates natives properly. 殖民地通过人口自然增长成为城市时,能正常同化土著。
An SOA COE is an organization that assimilates and promotes best practices, knowledge, and pragmatic leading-edge solutions in the area of SOA. SOA卓越中心是一个负责吸收并推广最佳实践、知识及实用性前沿方案的组织。
Effects of Stubble Height of the Main Crop on Source-Sink Characteristics and Assimilates Transportation in Ratooning Rice 留桩高度对再生稻源库性状与物质运转的影响
It indicated that the seeds assimilates were compensated by soybean pods'photosynthate when their leaves photosynthetic capacity decreased at later pod-filling period. 可见在鼓粒后期,当叶片光合功能开始衰退时,豆荚的光合产物对籽粒的贡献起到不容忽视的作用。
Your body assimilates and converts energy attacks to harmless light. 你的身体吸收能量攻击并将其转化为无害的光亮。
Champs Elysee Wine Co., Ltd successfully assimilates the style of these brands wine and elaborately produces Deity series wine. 香榭丽舍酒业成功地汲取了这些葡萄酒风格的内涵,倾心打造了帝庭系列葡萄酒。
The accumulation of carbon assimilates in the fleshy roots was maximum during the dormant period. 休眠期肉质根中碳素营养的积累达到了全年的最高水平。
Effects of drought and waterlogging on flag leaf post-anthesis photosynthetic characteristics and assimilates translocation in winter wheat under high temperature 高温下干旱和渍水对冬小麦花后旗叶光合特性和物质转运的影响
So the source leaf of hybrid wheat 901 could provide plenty of assimilates for plant growing and grain filling. 因此在灌浆中后期901源叶能为植株生命活动和籽粒灌浆提供充足的同化物。
The more density, the less 14 C assimilates of effective tillers was transferred to tillers and main stem. 密度越高,有效分蘖向主茎和分蘖运输的14C同化物的量越少。
At the stage of nutrient storage, the assimilates were mainly transported to the fleshy roots. 营养贮存和秋苗期,同化产物输出部分主要向肉质根中分配。
Under the obvious influence of Walpole and other writers, Poe assimilates the conventions of Gothic horror. 在沃波尔及其他作家的明显影响下,坡吸收了哥特式小说的传统手法。
Distribution of Assimilates and Its Contribution to Pod Development in Seed Plants of Chinese Cabbage 大白菜种株碳同化分配及其对种荚发育的作用
Though physiological metabolism and assimilates translocation decreased, the inhibition degree was small. 虽然植株生理代谢机能下降、同化物运输受阻,但所受的抑制程度较小。
Mao Dun assimilates the elite of evolutionism and Taine's Three Determinism to re-explain the essence of New Literature; 茅盾吸取了进化论学说中的精华,融合丹纳的三决定论理论,重新阐释新文学的本质;
For traditional thought and culture, Liang Qichao assimilates its essence. 对传统思想文化,梁启超淬厉其精华。
Cytokinin can promote directional transportation of nutrients, fruit bearing during the process of seed and fruit development and accumulation of assimilates of fruit and seeds, in addition, it can also promote the development of endosperm and enlargement of fruit body. 细胞分裂素能促进营养物质的定向运输,在种子和果实的发育过程中能促进坐果,影响果实和种子中同化物的积累,此外还具有促进胚乳的发育,以及具有增大果体的功能。