The next day, Monday, was the first sitting of the assizes. 第二天是星期一,是法庭开庭审判日子。
On Current Assizes System of Chinese Basic People's Courts 当前我国基层法院巡回审判制度研究
"The president of the court of assizes presents his respects to m.madeleine." “刑庭庭长谨向马德兰先生致敬。”
Notice to all it concerns, this notice apprises, the sparrow's for trial, at next bird assizes. 启事所有有关者,这则启事通知,麻雀将受审判,在下一次鸟类审判中。
As he dreamed, he turned round, and his eyes fell upon the brass knob of the door which separated him from the court of assizes. 他一面沉思一面转过身子,他的视线触到了门上的铜钮,门那边便是刑庭了。
'If you do not put that knife this instant in your pocket I promise, upon my honour, you shall hang at the next assizes.' 如果你不马上将刀子放进口袋里,我可以用名誉担保,下次巡回法庭审判时一定送你上绞刑架。
However, this depends on the improvement of the assizes system. 然而这有赖于巡回审判制度的完善。
At the same time, we can make corresponding improvements in the norm-setting of assizes system, in the protection of resources and in the coordination with non-complaint mechanism. Only in these ways, the value of assizes can be functional. 于此同时,还可以从巡回审判制度的规范制定、资源保障以及非诉解纷机制协调方面进行配套完善。唯有如此,巡回审判的价值才不会是镜中花水中月。
Summer Assizes were often held before the Ming Dynasty, but it was not until the Ming Dynasty that they became systems. 明代之前,夏季恤刑时常举行,但是还没有形成制度。
Assizes has long process of development both in china and other countries, as the legal system and situation of the countries are not same, modes of assizes are running differently. 巡回审判在我国以及国外都有着悠久的发展历程,但因国内外的法制状况以及国情不同,该项制度表现为不同的运行模式。
Therefore, in order to highlight the impact of changing times on assizes, it is imperative to make a comprehensive study on the operation mode of assizes, especially to conclude the characteristics of times on the basis of assizes mode. 所以,要有立体感、凸显时代变化对巡回审判制度的影响,必须立基于全面考察该制度的运行样态,尤其是在样态基础上归结出其时代性特征。