准押韵,半谐韵,半谐音(靠得很近的单词中有两个音节元音相同而辅音不同,或辅音相同而元音不同) the effect created when two syllables in words that are close together have the same vowel sound, but different consonants, or the same consonants but different vowels, for example, sonnet and porridge or cold and killed
The author analyzes several basic forms of alliteration and assonance in Du fu's poems and points out that due to his excellent mastery of alliteration and assonance, Du fu's poems are more harmonious and musical in artistic effect. 文章分析杜诗双声叠韵构成的几种类型,指出双声叠韵的频繁使用显示了诗人驾驭语言的卓越能力,同时使其诗产生一种铿锵和谐、声情并茂的艺术效果。
Du Fu is most skillful in using alliteration and assonance in his poems and he uses it most often than any other poets. 杜甫最善于使用双声叠韵,其数量之多,结撰之精妙,是其他诗人不及的。
Alliteration, assonance and consonance are three main rhetorical devices, and literal translation, interpretation and naturalization are the main translation approach. 头韵、元音韵和辅音韵是三种最基本的押韵修辞格。
Finally, in spite of the accidental factors, an important reason is that Fanqie top words and the sliced words are alliteration and assonance. 最后,除去偶然因素,上字与被切字双声叠韵也是一个重要原因。
A rhythmical prose employing the poetic devices of alliteration and assonance. 使用头韵和准押韵两种诗歌技巧的有节奏的散文。
This essay brings to the fore some of his faults in such aspects as rhyming, assonance, character-repetition and vowel-repetition with a view of reiterating the point: it is content, rather than form, that really counts. 本文从押韵,音似以及迭字、迭韵三个方面揭示许先生理论和实践的若干失误,再次重申内容重于形式的观点。
Cross-cultural Differences Between Chinese "Alliteration Assonance" and English "Alliteration Assonance" 汉语双声、迭韵与英语Alliteration&Assonance的跨文化差异
Alliteration and assonance is not only a language phenomenon, but also an artistic one in poems. 诗歌中的双声叠韵既是语言现象,又是艺术现象。
The sound form of poetry is often manifested in onomatopoeia, sound symbolism and some other musical devices such as alliteration, assonance, repetition, internal rhyme and so on. 声韵形式通常表现在拟声、语音联觉以及其他一些音乐手法诸如头韵、谐内韵、重复和行内韵等;
Combined with the specific works it highlights the sound rhymes; meanwhile describe the strengthening of alliteration and assonance in selecting the music. 第三章:从声韵角度分析了《文选》五言诗的音乐性,并结合具体作品重点突出了韵的音响效果,同时对双声叠韵在选诗中对音乐性的强化也作了说明。
According to the data analysis, rhetorical devices, like antithesis, alliteration, assonance, pun, etc. have more obvious and powerful appealing effect on the customers. 根据数据分析、对仗、头韵、尾韵、双关等修辞格的诉求效果更为明显。
In New Chinese poetry, there is also alliteration and assonance, overlapping words, repeated use of such poetry. They can convey the harmony. 此外还有新诗语言中双声叠韵、叠词、重复的运用等都能传达新诗的和谐。