The caffeine and tannin in tea are both astringents that reduces puffiness. 茶中的咖啡因和鞣酸都是可以消肿的收敛剂。
Lotus seeds are classified as astringents, which constrict body tissues, and are considered beneficial for the spleen, kidney, and heart. 芙蕖的胚珠有涩味是收敛剂,有好处于人体的器官脾,肾,以及心脏。
Its fruit and extracts contain proteins, coagulants, and powerful astringents. 它的果实榨取物含有蛋白质,凝血剂和强大的收敛剂。
Astringents are meant to dry up oil and tone the skin. 收缩水就是平衡油脂和调节肌肤的。