The shortest time interval in the Martian universe is that between when you ask about a Mars family member and when someone on the astronomically high-strung public-relations team snaps to attention and rules the question out of order. 在这些火星人的世界里,他们最快速的反应就是神经高度紧张的公关人员在有人提出关于马尔斯家族成员的问题后表示这不符合规定。
Astronomically, the Twenty-four Solar Terms are defined according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic. 二十四节气在天文学上是以视太阳在黄道上的位置来确定的。
New niches are continually being found in what turns out to be an astronomically massive market. 在虚拟化产品的巨大市场上,不断出现各种新兴的小型市场。
In light of this, the fate awaiting those astronomically paid bankers could be a particularly nasty one. 从这一点看来,等待着那些拿着超高薪待遇的银行家们的命运颇为险恶。
For him, it was astronomically huge, so as soon as he got the chance, he decided to change it. 他觉得它巨大无比,所以一旦有机会他就决定改变。
The only difference is that Saggis generally have their astronomically brilliant mind that attracts people to them. 射手座同双子座的唯一区别在于射手座人通常拥有吸引别人的聪明大脑。
Ironically, the detailed reasons as to how the radio beam is produced may not be important astronomically. 具有讽刺意义的是,产生射电波束的详细原因在天文上,这也许并不重要。
The bill was astronomically high. 这个账单上的数字太大了。
Many of the great monuments and ceremonial constructions of early civilizations were astronomically aligned. 早期文明许多大纪念碑和仪式建筑物是天文学排列的。
Astronomically speaking, the sixth house is that one-twelfth sector of the local sky just below the western horizon ( see above picture) occupied by planets in the two hours after they set. 从天文角度来说,第九宫指行星从中天(如上图)顺时针到达顶点两小时后所占据的、当地天空中的十二分之一的区域。
It is not as astronomically high as in 2000, but it is very high, by historical standards. 这虽然没有达到2000年天文数字般的高水平,但以历史标准衡量,已经非常高了。
Heterocyclic compounds hold a special place in organic chemistry. Their role in drug design can not be overstated and the appearance of heterocyclic motifs in natural products is astronomically frequent. 杂环化合物在有机化学领域占有十分重要的地位,它们在药物设计中扮演了不容忽视的角色,同时频繁的出现在天然产物的结构中。