At a subsequent syncopal attack, 24 hours ambulatory ECG was repeated and found intermittent complete atrioventricular block with prolonged ventricular asystole up to19.4 sec. 重覆第二次的廿四小时心电图检查才发现间歇性房室传导完全阻断,最久的心跳停止时间长达19.4秒。
Adequate doses of atropine can abolish many types of reflex vagal cardiac slowing or asystole. 适当剂量的阿托品能消除多种类型的迷走反射性心效减慢或停搏。
Atropine is no longer recommended for routine use in managing and treating pulseless electrical activity or asystole. 阿托品不再推荐为控制和治疗无脉性电活动或心电静止的常规用药。
A pilot case of transient ventricular asystole due to alcoholism 飞行员一过性乙醇性心室停搏一例
The averaged time of asystole in 10 cases was ( 12.68 ± 17.94) s. 10例窦性停搏患者平均停搏时间为(12.68±17.94)s。
Success in resuscitation of asystole for 6 times due to heart penetration injury: a case report 心脏贯通伤心脏停搏6次抢救成功1例
ECG abnormalities included transient asystole, ST-depression, T-wave inversion and Q-T elongation. 部分大鼠ECG还出现一过性心脏停搏、ST段下降、T波倒置、Q-T延长等异常改变。
Successful treatment of penetrating cardiac injury with apnea and asystole: report of 1 case 心脏穿透伤呼吸心跳停止抢救成功1例
These results have given new evidence that the CVNs might fire in a seizure-like pattern during epileptic attack, which might be responsible for the neurogenic ictal bradyarrhythmia, cardiac asystole, or even the sudden deaths of patients of epilepsy. 3. 这些结果提供了新的证据,提示癫痫时CVN可能以痫样模式发放。而这种发放模式可能与癫痫病人发作时的神经源性发作性心动过缓、心跳骤停、甚至猝死有关。