Others see it as an atheistic approach to life. 其他人则认为这是一个无神论的生活态度。
VOICE: Is he saying that all science is materialistic or atheistic? 那他是说所有的科学都是唯物论或是无神论的?
You have to explain why people listen to atheistic ideas in a way they did not100 years ago. 你必须解释为什么人们会听从无神论,而在某种程度上,100年前他们却并不如此。
The leader of the atheistic state, the dialectician of materialism should invoke the Deity. 这位无神论国家的领袖,唯物辩证法大师居然谈起上帝来了。
Because they thought that his treatise of human nature was atheistic. 因为他们认为休谟关于人性的理论属于无神论体系。
One day, one of Newton's atheistic friends came by for a visit and was naturally intrigued by the model. 一天,牛顿的一个无神论的朋友去串门并自然天被阿谁模子吸引住了。
If a person wants to be atheistic, it's his God-given right to be an atheist. 如果一个人想成为无神论者,那也是上帝给他的权利。
I do not know how, her slow footsteps and atheistic eyes makes me tired. 不知怎么,她缓慢的脚步和无神的眼睛使我厌倦。
A tragic view of life is thus an uneliminable ingredient in atheistic thought. 于是,生命的悲剧意识是无神论思想无法消除的要素。
His atheistic remarks shocked the religious worshippers. 他那套无神论的议论激怒了虔诚的教徒。
The way Bernard Shaw believed in himself is very refreshing in these atheistic days when so many believed in no God at all. 在完全不信仰神的人数目众多的无神论时代里,萧伯纳对他自己的信奉的确令人为之心旷神怡。
When I realize that we need to discard atheistic philosophy completely, my mind is so troubled, infinitely troubled. 当我了解到我们要完全地放弃苦行的修道哲学时,我的内心真是矛盾,真是有无限的矛盾。
This was an officially atheistic state. 这是一个法定的无神论国家。
The conflicts between God and Devil, Faust and Devil, and the respective inner conflicts of the hero and the heroin are the three major dramatic conflicts which all follow the atheistic principles of the two opposites of goodness and evil derided from the Bible. 它的三大戏剧冲突:上帝和魔鬼的冲突、浮士德和魔鬼的冲突、男女主人公浮士德和玛甘泪各自的内心冲突都遵循了圣经提供的善恶二元对立的美学原则。
These three principles echo the absurdness of the world and solitude of individual in atheistic existential literature. 这三大原则表现在无神论存在主义文学里,就反射出世界的荒谬与个人的孤独。
On the Main Way to the Youth Atheistic Education 论当代青年审美教育的主要途径
We must strengthen ideal and atheistic education at the direction of advanced culture's moving orientation. 以先进文化的前进方向为导向,加强理想信念教育及无神论教育;
The conclusion additionally explains that Rilke's objective and sober poetry style brings Chinese poets solemn and quiet, contemplating philosophic tendency, making a great change in artistic character and atheistic style of Chinese modern poetry. 结语部分补充说明了里尔克这种客观冷静的诗风给中国诗人带来静观、沉思和哲学化的倾向,使得中国现代诗歌的艺术品格和审美风貌发生深刻变化。
Reassessment of Kafka's Atheistic Thought 重估卡夫卡的无神论思想
The Chinese Protestantism and Catholicism, organizations closely connected with western countries and completely antagonistic to atheistic party ideologically, naturally became one major field to be transformed and controlled by the new regime. 中国基督教和天主教作为国内与西方世界联系最为紧密,且意识形态与无神论政党完全对立的团体,自然也就成为新政权必欲进行改造以实现对其控制的重要领域。