Her athleticism drew the admiration of the crowd. 她的运动才能令众人赞叹不已。
Washington looks like a poster boy for strength and athleticism. 华盛顿看上去是个典型的体魄强健、崇尚运动的人。
Griffith-Joyner, the woman who stunned the world with her Breathtaking displays of athleticism at the1988 O1ympic Games was dead on Monday. 格里菲斯·乔伊纳,这位在1988年奥运会上以精彩的竞技表现震惊世界的女人于星期一去世。
Harper Beckham showed that athleticism runs in the family as she scored a goal while playing soccer with friends in LA over the weekend. 上周末贝克汉姆一家在洛杉矶和朋友一起踢球,哈珀贝克汉姆向大家展示了良好的运动能力是跟家族遗传有关的。
Don't get me wrong, powerlifting takes allot of skill, I'm just saying that there is more athleticism involved in weightlifting. 别把我弄糊涂了,力量举需要很多的技术,我刚才说的意思是举重是更热门的竞技运动。
Neville, co-commentating on the match for MUTV, was pleased with the skill, athleticism and application of the youth team trio. 内维尔是本场比赛曼联电视的联合评论员,他称赞了青年队的技术水平和意志品质。
Overall, the Akhal-Teke should give the impression of lithe athleticism without excessive musculature. 总体而言,阿克哈-塔克马应给予轻盈的运动能力的印象,没有过多的肌肉。
What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious athleticism. 这对姊妹拥有令其他选手都难以望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。
Congratulations on consistently bringing home the gold! You've made the country proud and have inspired countless Americans with your determination and athleticism. 祝贺您为您的祖国连续赢得多枚金牌!您的坚强毅力和奥运精神为美国赢得了荣耀,鼓舞了世人。
I still hear people today say that I was born with great athleticism. 我现在还听到人说我的运动能力是天生的。
The Magic got Steve Francis, Cuttino Mobley and Kelvin Cato from the Rockets, and all three have been terrific, adding athleticism and depth to a roster devoid of both. 他们用得分王麦克格雷迪从火箭队换来了弗兰西斯、莫布利和卡托,他们都是优秀的球员,尤其是弗兰西斯是NBA全明星队的成员,加上希尔的复出,魔术队的实力大大增强。
Graf's natural athleticism set her apart from other tennis players. 格拉芙对体育天生的热爱使她显得与其他网球运动员不同。
The emphasis at high-profile sports events, such as the Super Bowl, is on good looks and dancing, rather than athleticism or teamwork. 人们对于超级碗等顶级体育赛事的关注,集中在漂亮的外表和舞姿上,而非竞技精神和团队协作。
He couldn't handle the ball, and he lacked the quickness and athleticism needed to keep up with the quicker guards in the league. 他不能控制好球,也缺乏跟上联盟更快后卫的速度和激情。
With a soft touch around the basket and surprising athleticism for a man of his stature, Mihm has earned the respect of teammates and fans for his hard-nosed, impassioned approach to the game. 象他这样的身材他拥有不错的篮下进攻和让人惊讶的身体条件,米姆通过自己的努力和慷慨激昂的比赛态度已经赢得了队友和球迷的尊重。
With his quick first step and athleticism, the Rockets are hoping Francis can become another scoring threat on the perimeter that is capable of creating for himself off the dribble. 他起步快,极具运动天赋,火箭队希望弗朗西斯能够成为外线的另一个得分威胁,他能创造机会给火箭带来得分雨。
It needed also a sort of athleticism of mind, an ability at one moment to make the most delicate use of logic and at the next to be unconscious of the crudest logical errors. 这也需要一种脑力体操的本领,能够一方面对逻辑进行最微妙的运用,接着又马上忘掉最明显的逻辑错误。
Yet while her athleticism and adaptability are unquestionably vital to the kiwi cause, Michele cox, New Zealand football's head of women's football, believes that it is jackman's never-say-die spirit that sets her apart from her peers. 她对足球的极度热情和她的适应能力对新西兰人是毫无疑问非常重要的,米切尔考克斯新西兰女足的头儿相信杰克曼永不言败的精神会让她超越其他人。
He can outhustle people and make them work because of his athleticism. 他能让人们满意,因为他是个身体素质很好的球员。
Known for his swiftness and athleticism, Hermes was given credit for inventing foot-racing and boxing. 赫密士以速度和运动闻名,他又发明了竞走鞋和拳击。
A glowing tan embodies health, athleticism, and sophistication. 而生机勃勃的古铜色肌肤则体现了健康、动感和高雅。
We hold you up as an example of endurance, athleticism, and force of will. 我们也把你们当作耐力,运动和毅力的榜样。
In the game of defense, I believe athleticism should be specifically attributed to a mixture of quick feet, quick hands, length, and weight. 我觉得很强的运动天赋应该是包括手脚反应速度快,然后有身高,有体重。
Yet she remembers loving him even as she feared him, and she credits him with her determination, athleticism and love of the outdoors. 然而,Aligail记得她爱父亲,即使她害怕他时,她以能和父亲一起做决断,运动和爱好户外运动为荣耀。
And just like working out at the gym, where we don't make some sudden leap to athleticism, in meditation we change gradually. 就像在健身馆里锻炼一样我们不可能一下子就完全地崇尚运动,在做冥想时我们也是慢慢地改变。
Clearly, we could not contain him with our athleticism. 很明显我们得球员不能阻止他。
Does wildlife obsess over calories eaten or reps performed? How do deer maintain their trim figures and impressive athleticism without a dietitian and weekly personal training sessions? 野生动物会对卡路里的摄入量或者所做的训练困扰吗?没有营养师的帮助和每周的个人训练计划,鹿是怎样它们良好的运动健将般身材的。
Per Johnson's instructions, Harris has applied his athleticism to the defensive end while becoming one of the best guards in the league at fighting through screens. 经过Johnson的指引,Harris把他的运动能力应用到了防守端,在对抗掩护上他正在变成联盟最好的后卫之一。