These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands or atolls. 在地势低平的珊瑚岛或环礁上没有这种螺。
The threat of sea level rise may bring complete disaster to the10,000 Tuvaluans residing on nine extremely low-lying coral atolls. 海平面持续升高的威胁可能会给住在该国九个海拔极低的珊瑚岛上的一万多居民带来灭顶之灾。
The island's size isn't unusual for the Maldives, a collection of1,192 tiny islands clumped in26 atolls encompassed by the vastness of the Indian Ocean. 由1192个小岛构成了26个岛屿群,这些岛屿群组成了在辽阔印度洋环绕中的马尔代夫,象哈尼法如这样大小的岛屿并不在少数。
Scientists are a minority group, and like most minorities they're largely hidden from the public's sight, tucked away in ghettos& laboratories, campuses, field sites out in the desert or on Pacific atolls. 科学家是一个少数群体,像大多数少数民族局限于贫民窟一样他们大都不在公众的视线里--实验室、校园、沙漠内外的矿田点或者太平洋珊瑚岛上。
Pacific Islanders, many living on coral atolls, are among those most at risk. 太平洋岛屿上的居民有很多住在珊瑚礁岛上,他们面临的危险是最大的。
An aircraft carrier could enhance China's ability to lay claim to the islands and coral atolls of the South China Sea, an area potentially rich in oil and other resources. 航空母舰可以加强我国的能力,声称该礁珊瑚岛、南华海,面积可能富含石油和其他资源。
The eclipse drew an arc across the open sea and uninhabited atolls, making its main landfall on remote Easter Island. 日食在开阔的海域和无人居住的环礁划出一条弧线,日落则在偏远的复活节岛。
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, amazingly, has jurisdiction over islands and atolls stretching deep into the Pacific. 东京政府对于岛屿还有环礁的管辖,已经惊人地延伸到了太平洋深处。
In 1943, during World War Two, US forces seized control of Tarawa and Makin atolls from the Japanese. 1943年二战期间,美国武力占领日本所有的塔拉瓦岛和马肯岛。
The vast area of waters, dotted with partially submerged atolls and reefs, contain some of the world's busiest shipping lanes and are thought to hold large deposits of oil and natural gas. 这片面积广阔的水域,半淹的环礁和暗礁星罗棋布,世界上一些最繁忙的航道经过这里,并被认为有大量的石油和天然气储存。
Bioherm type comprises tower reef, patch reef, massive reef, platform-edge reef and atolls etc. 生物礁类型有塔礁、补丁礁、块礁、台地边缘礁、环礁。
However, when the northward drift of the Pacific plate carried piggy-back these guyots to within~ 7 ° S paleolatitude, the atolls drowned. 然而,一个事实是,环礁沉没仅发生在当太平洋板块背负着平顶海山向北漂移过程中,并且是经过南纬7°以后。
The remote sensing composite information entropy and types of Nasha coral reef atolls 南沙珊瑚环礁的遥感复合信息熵与类型