You don't have to have a visual impairment to prefer to receive some kinds of information aurally rather than visually. 并不是因为有视觉障碍才更需要通过听觉而不是视觉来获取信息。
The new musical was visually and aurally appealing. 这部新的音乐喜剧在视觉上和听觉上都令人愉悦。
In addition, the study suggests that it is the distinctiveness of alliteration that makes the form of alliterating idioms visually and aurally salient and easy to be perceived and memorized. 至于头韵为什么会对习语的形式记忆产生促进作用,本文认为主要是由于头韵在视觉和听觉上的特殊性或凸显性使得带头韵的习语更容易被感知和记忆。