The fishing season began most auspiciously. 这个渔季开网大吉。
The interview could hardly have ended more auspiciously for tito. 这次晋见对于蒂托来说,不可能完成得更加幸运的了。
Less auspiciously Apple bought a Swedish mapping technology company ( C3) to form the basis of Apple maps. 比较不走运的是对一家瑞典地图技术公司(C3)的收购,苹果在此基础上创立了AppleMaps。
You will join with me, I trust, in thinking that there are none under the influence of which the proceedings of a new and free government can more auspiciously commence. 在目前转折关头,我产生这些想法确实是深有所感而不能自已。我相信大家会和我怀有同感,即除了仰仗上帝的力量,一个新生的自由政府别无他法能一开始就事事顺利。
The year began auspiciously with good trade figures for January. 一月份贸易额可观,今年一开头就前景光明。
He started his new job auspiciously on his birthday. 他在他生日那天找到了新工作,真是幸运。
The day did not close so auspiciously as it began. 这一天以吉祥如意开始,却未能如此告终。
Liu's season began auspiciously this month with a dominant victory at a Grand Prix event in Osaka, Japan. 刘翔风暴在本月(五月)得到了开门红。国际田联大奖赛日本大阪站中,刘翔取得了压倒性的胜利。
By the control of the cement, sand-gravel aggregate, reinforcing steel, loamy soil and the means of experiment in the use of the repairing project of the culvert passing Zhang River spoiled by devastating flood, it has been completed auspiciously. 通过对穿漳涵洞水毁修复工程所用水泥、砂砾石骨料、钢筋、壤土等材料以及试验手段的控制,保证了该项工程的顺利完成。