The pupils conformed, with the exception of the austerities, to all the practices of the convent. 那些女弟子,除了苦修这点外,也同样遵守修院里所有的教规。
Bring back lots of blissful memories of the austerities of my youthful days in Vraja. 带回来很多我年轻的时候在布茹阿佳苦行的极乐的记忆。
We practised various austerities to make our money last longer. 我们实行各种紧缩措施以使资金能多用些日子。
As a result of those austerities all these things have come to hand, and you have been blessed with My Vision. 作为苦行的结果,所有这些事都水到渠成,你已经在我的异像中得到喜悦。
The meditation I mentioned here is not like the monks entering in the religion, or closing oneself in the door to practice austerities for49 days. 我说的“修炼”当然不是要出家修炼或者闭关修炼七七四十九天。
Actions based on performance of sacrifice, charity and austerity should never be renounced; they certainly must be enacted; performance of sacrifice, charity and austerities are purifying for those in wisdom. 基于奉爱牺牲,慈善布施和持戒苦修的行为活动,永远都不应该放弃,而一定要奉行。进行奉爱牺牲,慈善布施和持戒苦修是智者们在净化心灵。
Practising austerities for six years, he was extremely tough on himself and put himself through many difficult tests after which was became so weak his body was nothing more than skin and bones. 实行了六年的苦行,他受到了极度艰苦,让自己通过很多困难的考验,随后身体变得如此虚弱,瘦骨如柴。
The psychic powers may be obtained either by birth, or by means of drugs, or by the power of words, or by the practice of austerities, or by concentration. 超自然力量可能与生俱来,也可以通过药物、念诵曼陀罗、苦行以及专注获得。
That has rekindled the tensions with Germany which has been driving EU demand for more Greek austerities. 这再次让希腊与德国的关系紧张,德国一直代表欧盟要求希腊实行更多的财政紧缩政策。
Early Christian austerities His thin, ascetic face mirrows an intensity of thought. 早期基督教徒的苦行他那苦行僧似的瘦脸反映出他正在冥思苦索。
Forgiveness is woodland of peace, where perfect calm prevails and austerities are performed. 宽恕是和平的绿地,在这里有理想中的平静和善行。
He took to the religious life and at first set no limit to his austerities. 他投身于宗教生活,一开始就竭力刻苦修行。
Can one receive the grace of God without austerities? 没有苦行能得到神的恩典吗?
There are three kinds of food dear to everyone; similarly also for performance of sacrifices, austerities and charity. 每个人都各自喜欢不同的三类食物中的一种。同样的,进行祭拜牺牲,持戒苦修和慈悲布施也是如此。
In fact, many New Agers tend to shy away from the structure and confines of traditional religious practices. He took to the religious life and at first set no limit to his austerities. 事实上,许多新时代人都倾向于羞怯地避开传统宗教修行的结构和界限。他投身于宗教生活,一开始就竭力刻苦修行。
After the austerities of the war years, people spent a lot of money on expensive goods. 经历了战争年代的清苦之后,人们花费大量的钱购买昂贵的商品。
Copying manuscripts was one of the austerities monks preferred. 抄写书籍是僧侣们乐于从事的一项苦修。
On Taoism Philosophy and Its Theoretical System of Caring for Life and Practising Austerities 论道教哲学对其养生修炼理论体系的建构