
abbr.  arginine-utilizing system 精氨酸利用系统; automated 自动化的



  1. When the behavior of the AUT changes, the result provided by each decision script changes, and consequently the testing path across the AUT changes.
  2. That is, your test scripts should consist of a set of method calls, where each method serves to implement a given task or function in the AUT.
  3. This reduces development time even further and minimizes the interaction of the test developer with the objects in the AUT.
  4. For example, perhaps your AUT includes a dialog that involves a button labeled Open.
  5. At every decision point, a decision table should specify what needs to be verified regarding the AUT ( depending on conditions) as well as the next test action.
  6. When a decision point is reached in the testing process, the tester examines the state of the AUT and determines a test action.
  7. This example of using the find method in testing the application based on Eclipse was limited to only a part of the AUT as a way to work out the design of the object getter methods.
  8. If the application under test ( AUT) is a short-term project ( single release) or its GUI changes are limited across releases, then it may be appropriate to use record-playback.
  9. The identification of the decision points in the AUT helps formalize and elaborate the test suite decomposition into test scripts.
  10. You should write your test scripts in terms of "what" needs to be tested in your AUT, and encapsulate "how" it is achieved within the UI in separate class methods.
  11. As an added benefit, it also measures GUI performance of AUT objects and reports any GUI delays in the test log.
  12. Equivalence partitioning of input data is required to identify the sets of input data that provide an equivalent behavior of the AUT ( application under test).
  13. The underlying causes for all these lie in the cultural and historical background in which the aut.
  14. Javier ALFONSO-GIL is Professor of Economics and Economic Development at the Universidad Aut ó noma de Madrid.
  15. AUT has the characters of high efficiency and low costs of testing, which can meet the requirement of time limitation and quality control of welding seam in constructing submarine pipeline.
  16. The provincial aut ( omitted) a social and political ideas, it is to follow the United States evolved from the federation.
  17. Please note that the AUT Agent is currently not part of the Eclipse Indigo package and requires a separate download.
  18. Double wire welding and automatic ultrasonic testing ( AUT) applied in construction of submarine pipeline were introduced.
  19. So how aut you tell me your story?
  20. Objective: to evaluate our experience with prompt aut otra Nsplantation of boliled tumorous mandibule for the treatment of mandibular tumor.
  21. Self compacting concrete possesses very high fluidity but no segregation and no bleeding. Without vibration, the fresh self compacting concrete can flow to be aut levelling, fill up the moulding board and hold the reinforced bar.
  22. Let Q_k be a k-cube and Aut ( Q_k) be the automorphism group of Q_k. In, C.
  23. At the end of the paper, an electronic commerce website of J2ee is taken to be the AUT ( application under test), verified the accuracy of the model and tool.
  24. For a graph X, the automorphism group of X is denoted as Aut ( X).
  25. The aut hors believe equality management is a necessary development of knowledge management.
  26. Existing problems in carrying aut the law were discussed and the way to deal with the situation was suggested.
  27. REITs market of our country steps into the fast developing period in recent years, a large number of issued REITs has generally adopted the trust loan, stock right trust, preferential aut fructus and other modes.
  28. As an advanced method of non-destructive testing, automated ultrasonic testing plays an important role in pipeline welding defect testing.
  29. Automatic ultrasonic testing ( AUT) is the most widely used testing method for girth welds of pipeline because of its unique advantages.