While autographing, he saw a beautiful woman in the crowd, but he soon lost sight of her. 他签名时在人群中瞥见一位美女,可惜不久就失去她的踪影。
When autographing, he often threw in a verse from the Bible. 他签名时经常随手写下一段圣经章节。
He was autographing copies of his latest novel. 他在为自己最新出版的小说签名。
During Break, Diane will be autographing books for sale, and LLL Leaders will be available for breastfeeding help. 期间,戴安将签名售书,国际母乳会哺乳辅导也将提供母乳喂养咨询帮助。
One day while he was autographing books in a Harlem department store, an emotionally disturbed black woman pushed her way through the crowd and thrust a sharp letter opener into King's chest. 一天,当他在哈莱姆区一家百货商店为自己的书签名时,一名情绪不正常的黑人妇女推开人群,将一把锋利的开信刀刺入了金的胸膛。
Unfortunately, you guys will not be able to get the album earlier to learn the songs, but you will get it on Thursday, and I will be autographing all of them, alright? 对不起,在这个之前你们拿不到我的专辑,不过我保证一定会让每一个人都拿到我的签名,ok?