If your command gets close to the right-hand prompt, that prompt will automagically disappear, leaving all that extra space for your command. 如果您的命令与右边提示符十分相似,则提示符会自动消失,以留下多余的空间供您输入命令。
Eclipse writes the superclass automagically with its new methods and alters the sibling classes to use the new superclass. Eclipse将使用其新方法自动编写超类,然后更改兄弟类,使之使用新的超类。
Next, I automagically assign property values to the Entity instance associated with tickets. 接下来,我将自动为与罚单相关的Entity实例分配属性值。
This led to grotesque practices like automagically injecting javascript that trapped clicks and converted them into state-gathering POSTs. 这导致了很多奇怪的行为,比如自动注入用于捕获点击的javascript并将其转换为收集状态的POST。
In the sample application the Person companion object is implemented as follows in order to 'automagically' provide autowire functionality 对于该示例应用,我们采用如下方式实现Person对象以便“自动”提供自动装配功能