And, as though the sun had possessed the property of melting the avalanches of slang in her brain, she went on 这太阳好象有能力融化她脑子里的积雪,把她的一连串黑话象雪崩似的引了出来,她继续说道
The Austrian Alps have been hit by particularly heavy snow this winter and numerous avalanches. 奥地利阿尔卑斯山地带在这个冬天遭遇了大雪袭击,发生过好几次雪崩事件。
Steep slopes in the area are also prone to avalanches like the one that the quake triggered on Mount Everest on Saturday. 该地区的陡峭山坡也很容易发生雪崩,就像周六的地震在珠穆朗玛峰上引发的雪崩一样。
In addition, they have noted that temperatures this year are higher thanaverage. This increases the risk of avalanches. 另外,他们也注意到今年的温度比平常高,这也就增加了雪崩的危险。
Avalanches are among the biggest dangers in the mountains for both life and property. 雪崩是造成山区人们生命和财产安全的最大危险之一。
Avalanches poured down on the tracks and rails were spread. 雪崩压满了轨道,铁轨被弄得四分五裂。
Too much snow, for example, can smother trees, and avalanches and snow creep can damage or destroy them. 例如,太多的雪会厚厚地覆盖住树,雪崩和雪蠕变会损伤或毁掉树木。
Avalanches are our biggest concerns. 雪崩是最让我们担心的问题。
The greatest dangers of pyroclastic avalanches are probably heat and suffocation. 火成碎屑崩落的最大危害可能是炽热和窒息作用。
All avalanches are caused by an over-burden of material, typically snowpack, that is too massive and unstable for the slope that supports it. 所有雪崩都是由于物质的过渡负荷造成,通常是积雪堆积过厚,很不稳固,超出了山坡面的承载能力。
Earthquake-induced secondary geological disasters include avalanches, landslides, caving-in, ground cracks and liquefaction of sand. 地震次生地质灾害主要指地震引起的崩塌、滑坡、塌陷、地裂缝、砂土液化。
After a short transient time, the system reaches a critical steady state in which avalanches of activity are distributed according to power-law. 系统经一个暂态过程后达到一个临界态,其雪崩大小的概率统计分布服从幂次规律。
After several days of heavy snow, there is a great danger of avalanches in the Alpine regions. 在连续几天的大雪之后,阿尔卑斯山一带存在着雪崩的极大危险。
Across the steep folds of Sichuan's mountainous north, workers continued clearing avalanches that have left thousands of people without assistance. 在四川北部多山地区,救灾人员持续清除着山体崩塌造成的路障,正是这些障碍使得成千上万的灾民得不到救援。
An early start is a matter of safety because the afternoon sun can melt snow and make avalanches much more likely. 较早开始是为了安全起见,因为下午的阳光会将积雪融化,大大提高雪崩的可能。
The Snowy Mountains back home rarely pick up great depths of snow, while in Japan there is often so much snow that avalanches are a real possibility. 家乡的雪山积雪并不很深,而大量积雪在日本是常有的事,极易导致雪崩。
They have braved avalanches and tornadoes; they have been attacked by roosters and wasps; been pursued by ducks, charged by bulls. 他们曾与雪崩和龙卷风搏斗过,遭到过公鸡和黄蜂的袭击,也受到过鸭群的追逐和公牛的进攻。
Unexpected doors fly open, unexpected channels are free, and endless avalanches of abundance are poured out upon me, under grace in perfect ways. 在恩典之下,凡是依神授权利决定属于我的一切现在都被释放,大量的财富以奇迹般的方式,如雪崩般汹涌堆积到我这里。
While avalanches are sudden, the warning signs are almost always numerous before they let loose. 虽然雪崩是突然发生的,但是在其发生之前,会有许多危险迹象。
All these were omens of avalanches. 以上几点都是雪崩的前兆。
Ice avalanches are heavy masses of ice that come loose from glaciers,( 3) usually near the bottom where the ice is melted more quickly than at the thicker top. 冰崩是沉重的冰块,离开冰川,通常是从冰川底部附近脱离出来。那儿的冰,比冰层很厚的顶部融化得快些。
Skiers should avoid the area because of the high risk of avalanches. 滑雪者应该避免进入该地区,因有雪崩危险。
Slope geometry can also affect the risk of avalanches. 滑雪坡的几何特征夜会影响到雪崩的发生几率。
Those who live their lives in mountainous and rugged countries are always afraid of avalanches, and they know that avalanches start with the movement of a very small stone. 那些住在崎岖山地的人总是害怕雪崩,他们知道雪崩起于一粒小石子的移动。
Eight snowmobilers are missing and some are feared dead following avalanches in Canada's backcountry. 八名雪上汽车驾驶者在加拿大的穷乡僻壤失踪,有人怀疑他们因为当地的雪崩而丧身。
Avalanches are the biggest danger that extreme skiers face, and most of their preparations and equipment are intended to lower the risk of dying under a thousand tons of snow. 雪崩是极速滑雪者面临的最大危险,他们大部分的准备与器材就是为了降低埋在一千吨雪之下死亡的危险性。
Effects of Slope Shape on Avalanches 边坡形状对崩塌的影响
The avalanche hazards consist of ones caused by the avalanches of natura and human releases. 自然释放雪崩和人为释放雪崩构成灾害,是天山雪崩灾害的成因。