Despite the buoyant economy and heated building market, Chinese architects haven't demonstrated their potential as architectural avant-gardes and experimenters, due to external cultural influences and the desire for distinction. 中国经济蓬勃发展,建筑市场活跃,但在强大的外来文化冲击下,加上求新求异的环境氛围,中国建筑师尚未发挥先锋性和实验性的积极作用。
This essay examines the trajectory of Western avant-garde movements in the 20th century, especially the relationship of group formation, typical of these avant-gardes, to the individual talent. 本文主要探讨西方20世纪先锋派运动的轨迹,特别考察了一些典型的先锋派群体的形成与个人才华之间的关系。