He paid a month's rent in advance, just enough to satisfy the landlord's avarice. 他预交了一个月的房租,正好满足房东的贪心。
Avarice is the bane to happiness. 贪婪是损毁幸福的祸根。
Their avarice knows no bounds; you can never satisfy them. 他们贪得无厌,你永远无法满足他们。
What does discretion end, and avarice begin? 做到什么地步为止就算知礼,打哪儿起就要算是贪心?
Its great, memorable works, she argues, came about Because of acquisitiveness, bordering on avarice. 她指出,恰恰是那近乎贪婪的占有欲引出了那些伟大而难忘的作品。
Do I desert avarice, wrath, obsession, worry, and confusion? 对贪、瞋、痴、忧虑、困惑等又或曾完全断绝。
I know he couldn't love a Linton; and yet he'd be quite capable of marrying your fortune and expectations! avarice is growing with him a besetting sin. 我知道他不会爱上一个林惇家的人。但是他也很可能跟你的财产和继承财产的希望结婚的。
Therefore, controlling a man being incorruption and not avarice must start from his inner heart. 因此廉或贪等欲念的控管,必须自个人内心做起才有效。
Pride, Envy, and Avarice are the threes sparks that have set these hearts on fire. 骄傲、妒恨和贪婪好比三颗星火,使一切人的心熊熊燃烧。
Had I really loved, could I have sacrificed my feelings to vanity, to avarice. 倘使我真心爱过人,难道我会为了虚荣或贪婪而牺牲自己的感情?
Accusing them of fraud, avarice, and downright misrepresentation. 指责他们欺诈、贪婪以及竭尽歪曲之能事。
Driven by avarice, he ruthlessly exploited his workers. 他在贪婪之心的驱使下残酷地剥削工人。
Avarice was his prevailing passion. 他最大的嗜好是贪财。
Avarice is, I should say, the gravest defect of the Chinese. 贪心,我以为是中国人最大的缺点。
Avarice and happiness never saw each other, how then should they become acquainted. 贪婪与幸福从不照面,当然更不可能彼此认识。
Don't let thrift degenerate into avarice. 不要让节俭变成贪财。
The lust and the avarice, the bottomless, cavernous greed, is that what you see? 是那欲望与贪婪,那无尽的贪婪么?
Excessive desire, especially for wealth; covetousness or avarice. 贪欲过度的渴望,尤指对财富的贪求;贪婪或贪欲。
He fell a victim to his own avarice. 他由于贪婪而毁了自己(自食其果)。
Why? Buddha said that avarice, wrath and obsession are main obstructs to live such a life. 为什么呢?世尊说贪、瞋、痴就是执行这样生活的主要障碍。
The world economy is rife with lawlessness and recklessness, with tax havens and regulation-free zones catering to the avarice of globally mobile capital. 世界经济充满了违法和草率的行为,众多避税天堂和不受监管的地区迎合了全球流动资本的贪欲。
He's a man whose avarice knows no bounds. 他是个欲壑难填的人。
Are you seeking day by day to live above worldliness, the pride of life, and the ensnaring vice of avarice? 你是否日复一日寻求超越世俗、骄傲和贪婪的生活?
Avarice or incorruption derives from the inner heart, and not from the temptation and stimulation of material. 廉或贪等人性是发自内心的,不是由物界刺激、诱惑引起的。
( New Testament) a personification of wealth and avarice as an evil spirit. (新约)作为罪恶根源的财富的人格化。
With some reluctance, I mentioned three: avarice, cowardice and callousness. 我以犹豫的心情谈了三点:贪心,懦弱,缺乏同情心。
Love is always a stranger in the home of avarice. 爱在贪婪之家总是陌生人。
The chief ingredient in the making of a criminal is avarice. 造成犯罪的主要因素是贪婪。
Ambition is but avarice on stilts. w.s. 野心只是踩在高跷上的贪婪。