Fans of that universe will find plenty to enjoy, with story elements from The Avengers and Iron Man 3 playing a big role in the plot. 一些出自影片《复仇者联盟》和《钢铁侠3》的故事元素在该剧剧情发展中意义重大,因此影迷们有足够的欣赏理由。
The Avengers should never have worked. Too many characters, too many egos, and an inexperienced director, The New York Times movie critic A.O. Scott wrote in his review. 《复仇者联盟》这部电影本来就不应运作:人物角色太多,个人主义英雄太多,导演经验不足。《纽约时报》电影评论员A.O.斯科特在其评论文章中写道。
The Avengers marks the culmination of a long-range plan by Marvel Entertainment to transform their elite stable of comic-book crime fighters into box-office superstars. 美国惊奇娱乐公司长期以来致力于将漫画中那些与邪恶作战的精英斗士们塑造成票房明星。《复仇者联盟》则标志着这一计划的巅峰时刻。
Robert Downey Jr. has signed on for two more Avengers films, reprising his role as billionaire Tony Stark/ Iron Man. 小罗伯特唐尼已经签下两部《复仇者联盟》,继续出演亿万富翁托尼斯塔克/钢铁侠。
The first Marvel film to be released in 2016, it will focus on a schism in the Avengers that pits Iron Man against Captain America. 这部电影预计将会在2016年上映,讲述钢铁侠对抗美国队长的故事。
When we did The Avengers it was basically 'No! 我们拍《复仇者联盟》的时候,他们的态度基本上是不行!
And finally, would you see avengers movie? 最后,你会去看复仇者吗?
Ultron centers on the iconic comic-book superhero team and is a sequel to the 2012 movie The Avengers, which was also directed and written by Joss Whedon of Serenity. 奥创主要讲述的是标志性的超级英雄漫画复联的故事,它是2012年电影《复仇者联盟》的续集,并也是由《冲出宁静号》的导演乔斯温登执导和编剧的。
It was also just about the only party you'll ever see Captain America ( Chris Evans) and Superman ( Henry Cavill) hanging out with Loki ( Tom Hiddleston) from The Avengers. 这也许是唯一能凑齐复仇者联盟的派对了,你会看到美国队长(克里斯埃文斯)、超人(亨利卡维尔)和北欧火神洛基(汤姆希德勒斯顿)在一起闲逛。
His Avengers co-stars Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, and Scarlett Johansson all assembled to present the award and Downey certainly made the most of it. 《复仇者联盟》中他的合作影星克里斯埃文斯、克里斯海姆斯沃斯、马克鲁法洛、杰瑞米雷纳和斯嘉丽约翰逊集体出席颁奖,而唐尼当然尤为睥睨众生。
The Avengers took the night's biggest honor, movie of the year, along with best villain and best fight. 《复仇者联盟》是2013MTV电影大奖颁奖之夜的最大赢家,该片包揽了年度最佳电影、最佳反派和最佳打斗三项大奖。
Ever since 2012's The Avengers, fans have been nearly begging Marvel Studios for one more go at The Hulk in his own solo film. 自2012年《复仇者联盟》后,粉丝们几乎是恳求漫威工作室制作关于绿巨人的单独系列电影。
The Avengers was the highest-grossing movie domestically of 2012, according to the website Box Office Mojo, and was well-reviewed. 根据BoxOfficeMojo网站上的好评显示,复仇者联盟2012年在国内取得了最高的票房。
Rob Thomas is the comic book genius who succeeded Stan Lee as the main writer and editor for a number of Marvel comics such as Avengers. 漫画天才罗伯托马斯继任斯坦李担任《复仇者联盟》等漫威漫画的主要创作者和编辑。
I feel like my costume might be changing a little bit for this Avengers. 我觉得在这次的《复仇者联盟》里我的服装会有一些变化。
The coda scene that happens at the end of The Avengers, we shot it at the premiere, when we were all together. 我们是在首映的时候拍的《复仇者联盟》结尾那个彩蛋,因为那个时候人才齐了。
The Avengers star, who split from Ryan Reynolds in December 2010 after a two-year marriage, told Vogue last April she's focused on enjoying her work and life. 这位《复仇者》明星,2010年12月与瑞安•雷诺兹为期两年的婚姻破裂后,去年四月告诉《Vogue》她正把重心放在享受她的工作和生活上。
• Occasionally, Joss Whedon misses I'm a Whedon fan. I dug Firefly, sang along to Dr. Horrible and gave The Avengers four stars. •乔斯.韦登偶尔也犯错我是一个韦登粉丝,欣赏《萤火虫》,欢唱《恐怖博士》,给《复仇者》四颗星。
The more Taylor took his flight north to try to get out of the Keys, the further out to sea the Avengers actually traveled. 泰勒试图离开要地往北方飞行越多,复仇者实际上飞离大海更远。
Firstly, western narrative literature lay particular stress on the conflict in the avengers 'mind and the description of the process of the mind destroy, while ancient Chinese cared more about the end of the revenge and the fortune after the avengers succeeded in revenging. 西方叙事文学较偏重复仇主体灵魂世界冲突,偏重精神摧残的过程描绘;中国古代则较关注复仇结局、复仇者成功复仇后的命运。
However, this is bound to be a rational leader of the Avengers, his regime will also build towards a rational utopia away. 然而这个领袖必将是理性的复仇者,他的政权也必将朝着理性的乌托邦而去建立。
The revenge events in Han Dynasty are mainly divided into national revenge and personal revenge according to different standings of the avengers, and the personal revenge is divided into kinship revenge and non-kinship revenge according to the reasons and purposes of the revenge. 根据复仇者的不同身份将两汉的复仇事件分为国家复仇和个人复仇两大类,个人复仇又根据复仇原因和目的分为血亲复仇和非血亲复仇。
Combined with specific works, it is about the analysis of the new features of the new era revenge literature: The change of avengers image, self-repentance and redemption of avengers. 第二章新时期复仇文学对复仇的消解,主要结合具体作品,分析了新时期复仇文学的新特点:复仇者形象的变化;复仇者的自我忏悔与救赎。
The avengers changed from refusing to perform, despair suicide revenge to the revenge of coming forward and sacrifice for the love. 由拒绝演出、绝望自戕式的复仇走向挺身而出、为爱牺牲的复仇。