An averagely fit person can master easy ski runs within a few days. 健康的普通人几天内就可以掌握简单的滑雪技术。
An averagely obese person's lifespan is shortened by around nine years while a severely obese person by many more. 一个中等肥胖者的寿命将被缩短大约9年,而一个严重肥胖者受到的影响更大。
Lewis Wolpert, professor of biology at University College London, said most people were averagely happy in their teens and twenties, declining until early middle age as they try to support a family and a career. 伦敦大学学院生物学教授刘易斯沃尔珀特说大部分人十几、二十几岁是一般幸福,由于养家和职业的原因幸福感会一直下滑直至中年前期。
Expenditures incurred on major repair and improvement of the rented fixed assets shall be averagely amortized during the period of leasing. 租入固定资产改良支出应当在租赁期内平均摊销。
All intangible assets shall be averagely amortized periodically over the period benefited from such expenditures and be shown with unamortized balance in accounting statement. 各种无形资产应当在受益期内分期平均摊销,未摊销余额在会计报表中列示。
The minimal norm control problem in averagely uniformly convex Banach spaces 平均一致凸Banach空间的最小范数控制
How many drinks bottles do you usually throw away averagely every week? 您平均每周会丢弃多少饮料瓶?
The elevation distance between the take-off point and the bottom of the valley is300-400 meters averagely, 700 meter the highest. 这些起跳点距离山下谷底的高差,一般在300-400米之间,高差最大处可达700米以上。
If you play only averagely then you'll be on the bench the next week. 如果你只是平平,那么下周就要坐板凳。
Traffic was averagely light and the Jaguar performed superbly. 来往车辆不多,杰格尔汽车运行极佳。
Some scholars propose that zeros should be ranked and then the rank sum be separated into positive rank sum parts and negative parts averagely. 也有学者提出,零值也需参与编秩,零值部分的秩和平均地分给正、负秩和部分;
Today Japan is no longer an expensive market; it is averagely priced or very cheap, depending on which metric you use. 如今,日本股市已不再昂贵;根据你所使用的衡量标准,其定价或是适中,或是非常便宜。
At present, alarming and fault-removing in simulation systems for training is averagely realized on single point. 在培训仿真系统中,目前告警排障的仿真较多是基于单点产生告警和进行排障。
Grid distribution means that a lot of robots distribute averagely in an area when they are demanded. 网格分布是指大量机器人按照一定的要求均匀分布在某一区域中。
Under the background of global warming, the landfalling TCs, averagely, show a trend of northward movement in the formation source region and weak decrease in intensity in recent several decades. 在全球气候变暖背景下,登陆TC的生成源地有向北移的趋势,然而近年来南落明显。
Jim's an averagely attractive man. 吉姆是一个相貌平平的人。
The starting expenses shall be averagely amortized in a certain period of years after the operation starts. 开办费应当在企业开始生产经营以后的一定年限内分期平均摊销。
This algorithm divides the total domain averagely, and integrates random operations with particle swarm optimization, and uses the variation operation of pheromone to jump algorithm stagnation. 采用平均分割定义域的方法,融入随机操作和微粒群操作的交叉应用,并加入了信息素的变异操作跳出停滞状态。
FI value obtained is appropriate and ESI vertically and horizontally are averagely increased by about from 0.2 to 0.3. 平滑指数(FI)值大小适中,水平和垂直边缘保持指数(ESI)平均提高了约0.2~0.3。
All the patients were observed for 4 to 24 months and 10 months averagely. 所有患者术后观察时间为4~24个月,平均10个月。
The most distinct region is in Taihang mountain area rising about 93 ℃ per decade averagely. 其中,增加最多的是太行山区,平均每十年增加了93.0℃;
During knee flexes from 0 to 120, tibia internally rotated by 19 ° averagely. 正常成人在膝关节从0~120°屈曲过程中,胫骨发生平均19°内旋。
And the wrapped quicklime make mass increasing by 0.92% averagely within 24 h at 60 ℃. 60℃条件下改性后的生石灰在24h内的质量平均增加为0.92%。
Then they were randomly and averagely divided into nape acupuncture group and the control. 然后随机分为项针组和对照组各40例。