The colonel saw active service in Borneo and was awarded the General Service Medal. 战争期间上校在婆罗洲服役并被授予一般服役奖章。
She was awarded the prize for both films 她的两部电影双双获奖。
For his dedication the Mayor awarded him a medal of merit. 为表彰他的奉献精神,市长授予他荣誉奖章。
We have awarded the contract to a British shipyard 我们将合同给了一家英国造船厂。
A High Court judge had awarded him £ 6 million damages. 高级法院法官裁定他获得600万英镑的损失赔偿金。
The jury awarded$ 11.2 million in compensatory damages. 陪审团裁定需要支付1,120万美元以赔偿损失。
He was awarded a prize for his contribution to world peace. 他由于为世界和平做出贡献而获奖。
Some 20 per cent of marks are awarded for coursework. 课程作业占20%的成绩。
He was vindicated in court and damages were awarded. 他在法庭上被证明无罪,并且获得了损害赔偿金。
He was awarded several military decorations. 他被授予了多枚军功章。
Spassky won the first game, and was awarded by the second by default, when Fischer failed to put in an appearance 斯帕斯基赢了第一局,又因菲舍尔第二局未能上场而再胜一局。
For his gallantry he was awarded a Victoria Cross. 他因为表现英勇而荣获维多利亚十字勋章。
We were disgusted when bosses awarded themselves a massive pay rise. How can they get on the gravy train, but ask us to take a wage freeze? 看到老板为自己大幅加薪,我们感到十分气愤。他们凭什么轻轻松松捞油水却要求我们不涨工资?
He will be awarded the honorary degree in a ceremony at Newcastle University. 他将在纽卡斯尔大学的一个仪式上获授荣誉学位。
Of the first three franchises to be awarded, two went to management buyouts led by former BR executives. 头三项特许权中有两项给予了由英国铁路公司前管理层负责的管理层收购项目。
Candidates who answered 'b' could be awarded half marks for demonstrating some understanding of the process 回答b的选手表明对这个过程有所了解,因此可以得到一半的分数。
The judge awarded the costs of the case to the petitioners. 法官判定由这起案件的上诉人支付诉讼费用。
The contract was awarded to a previously unknown company 合同签给了一个之前并不知名的公司。
He was awarded the OBE in 1990 for services to fashion. 凭着对时装业的杰出贡献,他于1990年荣获英帝国官佐勋衔。
He tendered for and was awarded the contract. 他参与竞标,并赢得了合同。
He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots. 他凭一篇研究工业机器人的论文获得博士学位。
She has been awarded the title Professor. 她已被授予教授职称。
He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics. 他被授予诺贝尔物理学奖。
He was awarded the Nobel Prize for achievements in physiology. 他因生理学方面的建树而被授予诺贝尔奖。
He was awarded his damage by the court. 法院判给他损失赔偿费。
The first prize was awarded to the youngest competitor. 一等奖授给了最年轻的比赛者。
The king awarded the soldier a horse. 国王赏给那个士兵一匹马。