By using the NOT operator with awk, you can specify what records should NOT be extracted from the report. 通过在awk语句中使用NOT操作符,可以指定不应该提取哪些记录。
Awk also provides another special block, called the END block. 另外,awk还提供了另一种称为END的专用代码块。
I find it more manageable to have separate awk statements for each condition I want met. 我发现,对于希望满足的每个条件,使用单独的awk语句更便于管理。
Printing specified fields of text file is a simple awk task. 打印文本文件中的指定字段是一项简单的awk任务。
This tutorial provides a hands-on introduction to the AWK text-processing language. 本教程为AWK文本处理语言提供了实践性的介绍。
Awk can act as a filter in a pipeline or take input from the keyboard ( standard input) if no file or files are specified. awk可以在管道中作为过滤器,如果没有指定文件,它也可以从键盘(标准输入)中接收输入。
This includes crafting loops and knowing how to parse data using utilities like awk, grep, and sed. 这包括巧妙使用循环和知道如何使用awk、grep和sed等的实用程序解析数据。
Awk executes this block after all lines in the input file have been processed. 在输入文件的所有行处理完毕之后,awk执行这个代码块。
Before you proceed, make sure that your system has a C compiler, such as the GNU Compiler Collection, and the suite of common UNIX software development tools, including make, m4, pkg-config, and awk. 在继续学习后面的内容之前,请确保系统中安装了C编译器,如GNU编译器套装(GNUCompilerCollection,GCC),以及常见的UNIX软件开发工具套装,包括make、m4、pkg-config和awk。
It shows how to use the open source GAWK interpreter to write and execute AWK programs so that you can search and manipulate your data in various ways. 它介绍了如何使用开放源代码GAWK解释器来编写和执行AWK程序,以便通过各种方式来搜索和操作数据。
And, unlike some languages, awk's syntax is familiar, and borrows some of the best parts of languages like C, python, and bash ( although, technically, awk was created before both python and bash). 与某些语言不同,awk的语法较为常见。它借鉴了某些语言的一些精华部分,如C语言、python和bash(虽然在技术上,awk比python和bash早创建)。
It covers basic usage, commands, filters ( another name for command line utilities), sed, awk, grep, shell programming, and C programming in UNIX. 该书介绍了UNIX中的基本用法、命令、过滤器(命令行实用程序的另一个名称)、sed、awk、grep、shell编程和C编程。
In this tutorial, you use GAWK to learn the various methods of running AWK programs. 在本教程中,您将使用GAWK,以了解各种运行AWK程序的方法。
The awk command can be complex and used in a wide variety of situations. awk命令可以很复杂并应用于广泛的情景中。
Awk tests every record in the specified file ( or files) for a pattern match. awk测试指定文件中的每个记录是否符合模式匹配。
In capabilities and programming level, Rexx can be compared most closely to bash plus the GNU text utilities ( throwing in grep and sed for good measure); or maybe to awk or Perl. 在实际能力和编程级别上,Rexx最接近于bash加上GNU文件工具(外加grep和sed);或者可能相当于awk或Perl。
In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. 在这一系列的文章中,我将使您成为精通awk的编程人员。我承认,awk并没有一个非常好听且又非常“时髦”的名字。
The tool comes with a postprocessing script that requires a UNIX shell and awk capabilities. 该工具随后处理程序脚本一起提供,该脚本需要UNIXshell和awk功能。
Many other UNIX tools, including interactive editors vi and Emacs, stream editors sed and awk, and all modern programming languages, also support regular expressions. 许多其他UNIX工具,包括交互式编辑器vi和Emacs、流编辑器sed和awk,以及所有现代编程语言都支持正则表达式。
However, when running audit in stream mode, you can use the sed and the awk utilities to generate formated reports. 但是,当采用流模式进行审计时,可以使用sed和awk实用程序生成格式化的报告。
You should also be able to write custom AWK programs to perform complex text processing from the UNIX command line. 您还应该能够编写自定义的AWK程序,以使用UNIX命令行执行复杂的文本处理。
Sure, awk doesn't have a great name. 的确,awk没有一个动听的名字。
For such situations, awk allows you to define a BEGIN block. 对这种情况,awk支持定义BEGIN代码块。
Perl's regular expression heritage comes from shell scripting and the awk/ grep tools. Perl的正则表达式是从shell脚本程序以及awk/grep工具中继承而来的。
You also see how programs are structured and learn AWK's record and field paradigm. 您还将了解如何组织程序,并学习AWK的记录和字段范例。
Of course, you also have the full power of the Linux or UNIX commands such as sed or awk for more complex jobs, but you should also know how to use shell expansions. 当然,您仍然拥有Linux或UNIX命令(如sed或awk)的全部功能来执行更复杂的工作,但是您也应该了解如何使用shell扩展。
For example, did you know you can do network programming with awk? 例如,您以前可能根本不知道可以使用awk进行网络编程。
You can use the awk command to quickly total the sales for each month. 您可以使用awk命令来快速获得每个月的销售总额。
I use AWK a lot for most small programs that I write. 我经常用AWK,主要是编写小程序。