ADJ-GRADED 使人尴尬的;难处理的;棘手的 An awkward situation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with.
I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'll be harder ones to come... 我是第一个向他提出尴尬问题的人,不过还会有人问更难回答的问题。
There was an awkward moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners. 大家在决定是否要站到自己配偶身旁时,这一刻令人尴尬。
ADJ-GRADED 难使用的;难携带的;(工作)难处理的 Something that is awkward to use or carry is difficult to use or carry because of its design. A job that is awkward is difficult to do.
It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry... 它虽然小,但很重,不便携带。
Full-size tripods can be awkward, especially if you're shooting a low-level subject. 标准尺寸的三脚架可能会不便于使用,用于拍摄低角度的物体时尤其如此。
ADJ-GRADED (行动)笨拙的;(姿势)别扭的 An awkward movement or position is uncomfortable or clumsy.
Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands. 埃米笨拙地做了个手势。
ADJ-GRADED 害羞的;尴尬的;局促不安的 Someone who feels awkward behaves in a shy or embarrassed way.
Women frequently say that they feel awkward taking the initiative in sex... 女人们经常说她们不好意思在性生活上采取主动。
He was rather awkward with his godson. 在教子面前,他非常局促不安。
ADJ-GRADED 不可理喻的;难打交道的;难相处的 If you say that someone is awkward, you are critical of them because you find them unreasonable and difficult to live with or deal with.
She's got to an age where she is being awkward. 她到了难相处的年龄。
Then he composed his features, took Godwin's hand awkwardly and began to usher him from the office. 然后他定了定神,尴尬地牵着戈德温的手,开始引领他离开办公室。
The dog rose awkwardly to his feet and licked the man's hand excitedly. 那只狗笨拙地站起来,兴奋地舔着那个男人的手。
It reads very awkwardly. 它读起来很拗口。
A well-expressed letter makes a far more positive impression on the reader than does an awkwardly phrased, jargon-filled letter. 一封表达贴切的书信对读者产生的印象远比一封词法别扭、废话连篇的书信产生的印象积极得多。
This idiom is awkwardly used. 这条习语用得很生硬。
But when it came time to say goodbye, he walked away awkwardly. 但是,当要说再见的时候,他笨拙地走开了。
Then she stood somewhat awkwardly as the man's father took a photo of her in the crowded corridor. 那位父亲在拥挤的走道里给May拍了照片,她站在那,多少有点不自在。
And selfishly I would like one less topic to awkwardly avoid when I visit family in the holidays. 我还有一点私心,那就是,我希望在与家人团聚、欢度节日的时候,能够少一个需要我尴尬逃避的话题。
I looked away awkwardly. 我笨拙地移开视线。
I had been lying awkwardly and my leg had gone numb. 我一直以一种不舒服的姿势躺着,腿已经麻木了。
They smiled awkwardly at the camera. 他们拘谨地对着照相机笑。
He put out his hand and took his sister's awkwardly. 他伸出手笨拙地握住姐姐的手。
He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone. 他显然非常紧张,局促不安地在麦克风前站了好几分钟。
Decisively, but awkwardly, she left the bathroom, her stride hampered by the long ugly skirt. 她走出了浴室,动作果断但是笨拙,她本想大踏步走去,却被那又长又丑的裙子给绊住了。
The taxi came and Xiangzi got awkwardly in. 汽车来了,祥子楞头磕脑的坐进去。
He walked awkwardly and gingerly around outside his hut without the crutches. 他没有拄双拐,笨拙地、小心翼翼地在木屋外面走了一圈。
The two had progressed to use first names-at first a touch awkwardly, but by now with ease. 两个人甚至发展到以本名相称&开始有点尴尬,但现在很自然了。
Going straight but not awkwardly. 正而不迂,直而不拙。
Climbing awkwardly down from the wagon, he stumped toward her and, bending, kissed her cheek. 威尔笨手笨脚地下了车,迈着沉重的步子走到思嘉面前,鞠了个躬,吻了吻她。
I fell awkwardly and my left leg got caught underneath of me,'Nowitzki said in a statement. “倒下时我感觉很笨,左腿被什么绊住了,”诺维斯基说。
Each left the mortuary, awkwardly wiping his eyes. 他们笨拙地擦拭着眼睛,相继离开了太平间。
He climbed awkwardly out of the window. 他狼狈地从窗户上爬了出去。
'To tell you the truth&'he sat down awkwardly on the bench opposite winston. “老实跟你说”他笨手笨脚地坐在温斯顿对面的板凳上。
She had wept, and Sonia had patted her shoulder awkwardly. 她哭了,苏妮娅局促不安地拍了拍她的肩。
He fell and lay awkwardly, covered in mud. 他摔倒了,很不雅观地躺着,满身是泥。
When we first experience fire, we usually express it crudely and awkwardly. 当我们刚开始经历火元素的时候,我们一般会表达得较粗糙和笨拙。
The young soldier saluted awkwardly. 那名年轻士兵笨拙地敬礼。
She fell awkwardly when she was skiing and twisted her ankle. 滑雪时她笨拙地摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。
This is an awkwardly ugly building. 这是一十分难看的建筑物。
Xu Huabei smiled awkwardly, and his voice returned to normal. 徐华北局促地笑了一下,语调又恢复了平常的样子。