She was in a fury over a plan that had gone awry. 计划出了问题,她很愤怒。
His dark hair was all awry. 他的黑头发全乱了。
All went awry. 万事不顺。
My cap had gone awry, my apron was stained, my feet ached. 我的帽子歪了,围裙上污迹斑斑,两脚疼痛难忍。
Admit Your Mistake: As soon as you discover that something went awry, immediately tell your boss. 承认错误:一旦你发现某件事进展得不正常,那就马上跟上司汇报。
Things may now have gone awry, but people here still want to believe in that vision. 虽然很多事情发展的不尽如人意(如经济形势),但是这里的人们仍然乐意相信马克图姆的(建塔)构想是正确的。
You may find, for instance, that your market research went awry and there just isn't the interest in your products and/ or services that you thought there was. 比如,你可能会发现自己的市场调查出错了,你本来以为会有市场的产品或服务其实是没人感兴趣的。
Companies need alternatives when things go awry. 当事情出错时,公司需要有其他选择。
He credits Obama with the foresight to suggest a back-up helicopter in case the operation went awry. 他还赞扬了奥巴马提议出动后备直升机以防行动出岔子的先见之明。
Or a driverless car freezes on the highway because a software update goes awry. 或者一辆无人驾驶汽车因软件升级错误在高速公路上突然静止不动。
Below, he describes the plight of those whose dreams of home ownership have gone awry. 他讲述了那些买房梦破灭的人所处的困境。
If your first date goes completely awry, at least you have fresh material for your next friend dinner. 如果你的初次约会真心不顺利,至少在下次和朋友吃饭时,你有了新鲜谈资。
It's also possible to go awry with the wrong jeans in the right place. 此外,也有可能在正确的地点穿着错误的牛仔裤。
If you change two or more things at once, it can be really hard to know how to troubleshoot the system when things go awry. 如果你一次改变两个或两个以上的东西,当事情出错时很难知道如何解决系统故障。
Things only started to go awry when the computer security experts told me this password would no longer do. 当电脑安全专家告诉我这个密码不行了的时候,事情才开始出了岔子。
Relationshipsgo awry or at least take an unexpected turn. 伙伴关系会出错,或者至少出现未预料到的转折。
Things started to go awry just after you left the company. 你刚离开公司,事情就出了岔子。
They may have grown a little awry for want of attention. 因为缺少关怀,它们长得有点歪了。
The scales of Libra will hang awry until Aries props them up with its curving horns. 天平座的刻度会歪曲地悬挂,直到白羊座用弯曲的角把它纠正。
And this is when things go really awry. Thinking you are crap always makes you much more so. 而这会让事情变得更糟。你要认为你自己是废物,你就会变得更像废物。
This makes me wonder if your problem will stem from a co-worker or even a subordinate, or from a work assignment that has gone awry. 这使我不知道你的问题将源于同事甚至下属,或从一个工作任务是出了错。
Why do all of them stand awry? 他们为什么都歪歪的站着?
A nuclear test went awry when they underestimated the power of the explosion. 核试验出了差错,因为他们低估了爆炸的威力。
There is no sober-minded, fast pace also goes awry; 没有清醒的头脑,再快的脚步也会走歪;
The strike has sent the plans for investment seriously awry. 罢工严重打乱了投资计划。
He was a scruffy man whose clothes were always hopelessly awry. 他是个不修边幅的人,他的衣服老是邋邋遢遢的。
Our plan has gone awry. 我们的计划出岔子了。
Last year, a move that would have taken the group one step towards its goal went awry. 去年,该公司原本有机会朝着目标迈进一步,但是出了岔子。
All my plans for the party had gone awry. 我的聚会计划全乱了套。
This allows you to delve deeply into your own subconscious to discover where your thinking may have gone awry. 这让你能够深入研究你的潜意识,发现你的想法哪里出了问题。