VERB 含糊不清地说;兴奋地说 If someone babbles, they talk in a confused or excited way.
Momma babbled on and on about how he was ruining me... 妈妈喋喋不休地念叨着他正如何毁掉我。
They all babbled simultaneously... 他们同时叽里咕噜地说了起来。
'Er, hello, viewers,' he babbled. “呃,观众们,你们好,”他含混不清地说。
N-SING 嘈杂声;含混不清的说话声 You can refer to people's voices as a babble of sound when they are excited and confused, preventing you from understanding what they are saying.
Kemp knocked loudly so as to be heard above the high babble of voices... 肯普大声敲着,好让人们在一片高声喧嚷中听到他的声音。
They began to curse and shout in a babble of languages. 他们开始用不同的语言叽里咕噜地谩骂吵嚷起来。