ADJ 后座(议员)的;普通(议员)的 A backbench MP is a Member of Parliament who is not a minister and who does not hold an official position in his or her political party.
...the Conservative backbench MP Sir Teddy Taylor... 保守党下院普通议员泰迪·泰勒爵士
Such a motion is considered a test of backbench opinion. 这样的动议被视为对后座议员立场的考验。
Such a motion is considered a test of backbench opinion. 这样的动议被视为对后座议员立场的考验。
The Prime Minister has caved in to backbench pressure 首相迫于后座议员们的压力让步了。
The wisdom of the retired generals and backbench MPs conjoins 退役将军和后座议员的智慧结合在一起。
There simply is no "back to the future" option of the kind backbench Conservative MP Liam Fox and his Eurosceptic supporters want. 保守党的下议院后座议员利亚姆福克斯(liamfox)及其欧洲怀疑论支持者所期盼的那种“回到未来”的选项是不存在的。
Unless there is a surprise backbench revolt, the proposal is likely to be accepted. 除非后座议员出其不意地反对,这项建议很可能就此被接受。
But maybe that is because, unlike backbench Tory MPs, they have some experience in fighting for British interests inside the EU and on the wider stage, and know better than them what is negotiable and what is not. 但这可能是因为,与后座的下议院保守党议员不同,外交官们拥有在欧盟内部以及更广阔的舞台上为英国争取利益的经验,他们更加明白什么可以磋商、什么不能。
It appears that the long-term interests of the British people have been sacrificed to the short-term interest of satisfying 80-odd backbench Tory Eurosceptics who had threatened to rebel. 这件事似乎是,为了满足某种短期利益(安抚80多名对欧洲持怀疑态度、威胁倒戈的保守党后座议员),而牺牲了英国人民的长期利益。
She has successfully led a rebel backbench campaign against the government's eductaion bill. 她成功地领导了持反对意见的后座议员反对政府教育法案的运动。
Will she follow her predecessor into the backbench wilderness? 她会不会像她的前任那样下台当后座议员?
The revelations have shown senior ministers and backbench politicians alike milking the system to their maximum advantage even if the claims all fall within the Commons rules. 此次曝出的情况表明,尽管这些报销均符合英国国会下院的规定,但上至政府大臣、下至普通议员,都在从体制内榨取好处,使自身利益最大化。
The bill got the support of several labour backbench hips. 该法案得到数位工党后座议员的支持。
Morale was low and several backbench revolts had occurred. 士气低落,后座议员中已经有几人倒戈。
The motion was defeated, but, astonishingly, almost half of David Cameron's backbench MPs defied his call for them to vote against it. 尽管这一决议最后没有通过,值得注意的是有超过半数的托利党下院议员将卡梅隆主张投反对票的请求置若罔闻。