N-COUNT (英国下院的)后座议员,普通议员 A backbencher is a Member of Parliament who is not a minister and who does not hold an official position in their political party.
David Cameron will back further powers for Scotland whatever the outcome of talks on English devolution, Downing Street was forced to admit yesterday, in a move that will further anger his restless backbenchers. 英国政府昨日被迫承认,不管英格兰分权讨论的结果如何,首相戴维•卡梅伦(DavidCameron)将支持赋予苏格兰更多权力。这一表态将进一步激怒保守党议员。
Zhang Qingxin is the Barisan backbenchers club president, KDSB Fei Cha, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Abdullah is kapar Umno District Mission. 张庆信是国阵后座议员俱乐部主席,KDSB副首席执行员费查阿都拉是加埔巫青区团团长。
That mandate may have been stretched at times, and Tory backbenchers would probably rather see money spent on policing British streets than on helping a far-off uprising. 这项授权有可能将被延长,而保守党普通议员其实更希望看到钱花在整顿英国街道,也不愿帮助一个遥远的起义。
No longer should MPs not in the government be seen as mere backbenchers, a term that highlights that they are seen as the leftovers after a government has been formed. 不在政府部门任职的议员不该再被看作是区区的“后座议员”这种称呼突显出,他们被视为政府组建完成后的残余。
Any of the seats occupied by backbenchers in the House of Commons of Great Britain. 英国下议院中普通议员占据的席位。
Downing Street, which is usually bad at cultivating relations with backbenchers, is considering how to contain the problem. 而一向不善和后座议员搞好关系的唐宁街正在考虑寻求控制问题继续恶化的方法。
Recalcitrant backbenchers hamstrung the prime minister's attempt to railroad the bill through the commons. 不屈不挠的后座议员们挫败了首相操纵下议院匆忙通过这个法案的企图。
Some Tory backbenchers have been grumbling about his handling of the scandal. 一些保守党后座议员一直在抱怨他对丑闻的处理。
With so many coalition members serving as ministers and deputy ministers, there will be too few backbenchers to give the government majorities in all of the Knesset's17 committees. 在以色列议会的17次委员会中,此次议会的后排议员寥寥可数,根本无法在票数上取得优势,因为太多的联合政府成员身居部长或副部长要职。
Some backbenchers also blanched at the micro-managing zeal with which Mr Osborne announced a slew of infrastructure projects both large and tiny ( see article). 一些普通议员反对奥斯伯恩先生对于微管理的做法,当他宣布对于大小不一的基础设置施行平衡管理的时候。
These nuances are likely to be lost on the enemies of welfare reform, who include many trade unionists and some Labour backbenchers. 这些细微差异对福利改革的反对者而言,极可能毫无影响。反对者包括工会人员和一些工党后座议员2。