He is confident the backroom can step into the temporary void 他确信原先的幕后智囊能够填补暂时的空缺。
Public scrutiny had brought civil servants out from the backroom and into the spotlight. 公众监督把公务员从幕后带到了公众关注之下。
They have been calling the Presidency decision a backroom deal. 他们称总统人选问题是个幕后交易。
Backroom and shelf management: Automating inventory count and notifying staff to refill shelves ( back room or in store) to avoid out-of-stock situations. 后库和货架管理:自动地统计存货并通知相关人员及时补充(后库或店面内的)货架,以避免库存耗尽现象。
Too many well-conceived concepts have been compromised by unjustifiable backroom constraints. 有太多很好构思的概念被毫无道理的私下的限制所妥协。
And so here we are in a deserted backroom eating our meal from plastic containers on dark-blue trays, a faded, peeling poster of a beach in the Seychelles on the wall beside us. 所以我们坐在僻静的后屋里,吃着深蓝色托盘上盛在塑料容器中的食物,身旁的墙上贴着一幅褪色、快要脱落的海报,上面是塞舌尔的海滩。
The doctor finished the operation, but his success depended on the backroom boys who had invented the new laser scalpel. 医生做完了手术,但他的成功有赖于那些发明了新型激光手术刀的研究人员。
I began testing actors in a backroom of my host's pharmaceutical company. 我开始在我美国朋友的医药厂的一个后房间里面面试演员了。
Sir Alex Ferguson has praised the unsung heroes of United's backroom team in dealing with a campaign that conjured its fair share of challenges to coaches and medical staff alike. 弗格森爵士表扬了曼联默默奉献的幕后团队,教练组和医疗组的同事们同样为赛季做出了巨大贡献。
About 40% of the company is now administration, finance, and backroom functions. provision of logistic ( or administrative) support by one or more of the military services to one or more departments or agencies of the US government. 目前公司把约40%的精力放在行政管理、财务和后勤上。美国服务于一个以上的部门和机构的政府机构提供的后勤(或行政)支持。
You can strengthen your relationship with a player if you sign the backroom staff member they have highly recommended to you. 当你买入你队员强烈建议签入的雇员,会增加你和建议人的关系。
You can call a backroom meeting at any point, and they will bring up any things that they wish to discuss. 没关系随时召开教练组会议,他们会提出想商酌的全面事。
The messy way, associated with Japan, involves large slugs of taxpayers 'money being injected into banks, and backroom deals that have all the transparency of freshly stirred miso soup. 肮脏的方法与日本有关,包括将大量纳税人资金注入银行,以及如同刚刚搅拌过的味增汤一样缺乏透明度的幕后交易。
He will also talk to the media officials to discuss plans to unveil his backroom team. 他不久也会对媒体公布他的教练团的成员计划。
In this case, the SocGen trader, like Mr Leeson, probably knew from his earlier backroom role how to hide his positions. 在此案中,这位兴业银行交易员如同利森一样,从自己早先的后台经历中学会了藏匿自己头寸的方法。
Many of those who preach the doctrine of free enterprise loudest have succeeded by skills more akin to those of backroom politicians than of entrepreneurs. 许多最声嘶力竭地鼓吹自由企业信条的人,他们取得成功所仰仗的技能却与幕后政客而非企业家的技能更为相似。
Their standard riposte to such accusations is to point out that it requires the efforts of hundreds of thousands of backroom engineers, mathematicians and technicians to make space flight possible. 他们对这种说法的标准回应就是指出:是背后无数的工程师、数学家、技术人员的努力才使得太空飞行称为可能。
In the backroom study stood two desks side by side. 在里屋书房里,有两张桌子并排放着。
Shuffling his backroom pack has given Ferguson a fresh pair of eyes to see United through and also prevented players, in particular the longer-serving ones, from going stale on the training ground. 洗牌幕后组给了弗格森一双崭新的眼睛看清联赛,也阻止了尤其是服役较长的球员去陈旧的训练场地上。
Some lives are so intertwined with work that it is impossible to tell them apart. The backroom slaves who devote themselves to a company are harmless enough. 有些人的人生与事业如此紧密地交织在一起,以至于人们不可能将其分开。那些在背后默默奉献的劳动者不会对公司造成不利影响。
There's a wealth of information that your backroom staff will come to you with. 教练组成员会带给你非常丰富的信息。
He was simply a clever backroom boy who got lucky. 他不过是个聪明的幕后工作者得到了命运之神的眷顾。
Today I'm going to write about the boardroom interaction changes, and the backroom advice changes too. 今天我将谈谈教练组建议及董事会交流的一些变化。
The problem is not the photos with senior leaders, he says, but all the backroom deals that entrepreneurs have to enter if they want political protection. 他表示,问题不在于与高层领导人的合影,而在于企业家要想得到政治庇护,就必须要参与的那些幕后交易。
His book lifts the veil on months of backroom bargaining that went on as nations sought to influence the crucial decision – a process that has rarely, if ever, been disclosed by a participant. 他的书揭开了申办国寻求影响关键决策者所进行的数月的幕后讨价还价的面纱-这一过程极少-如果有的话-被参与者披露过。
This year, another impressive series of "backroom conversations" continues the museum debate. 今年,另一个令人印象深刻的“幕后会话”系列继续围绕博物馆项目展开讨论。
They will not win through backroom deals, intrigue, supporting the distasteful, or through low-price lower-quality products. 他们将不是通过秘密协定、诡计花招、支持无赖国家或生产廉价劣质产品取胜。
It was a backroom deal between state governments and big tobacco companies. 这是一个大的交易州政府和烟草公司。
The leaflets had been produced in a backroom in amsterdam. 这些传单是在阿姆斯特丹的一间密室中印制的。
But backroom deals cannot save America. That will take leadership, right from the top. 然而私下妥协并不能救美国,只会让领导权变得摇摇欲坠。