Example: A bagel might seem healthier than a doughnut hole, but dense bagels have the calorie content of six slices of bread. 例如:一个硬面包圈似乎比炸面圈健康,但密集大的硬面包圈含6片面包的热量。
This is a follow on benefit from keeping you satiated. Studies have shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast are more likely to lose weight than those who ate bagels. 这是通过让你长期觉得一直很饱来获得的好处。研究显示,早餐吃鸡蛋的人比吃百吉饼的人更易减肥。
Proponents of the bill argue that eating on the subway attracts rats. Others say the broader target should be litterbugs, rather than those who discreetly sip their coffee and eat their bagels on the way to work. 该提案的支持者认为在地铁上进食会招来老鼠。另一些人则主张该提案应将监督目标扩大到那些乱扔垃圾者身上,而不是那些小心地抿着咖啡嚼着百吉饼的上班族。
And, naturally, you can bid adieu to Friday bagels and coffee on the company's dime. 并且,当然了,你也要告别用公费在星期五购买面包和咖啡的日子了。
Customers line up for locally brewed strong coffee, handmade bagels and vegan fig nut pop tarts ( the proprietors clearly know their audience). 客人们排着队来买当地鲜煮的浓咖啡、手工百吉饼和全素无花果坚果挞(老板显然很了解咖啡馆的客户群)。
I figured I'd have a more satisfying meal when more options were present, but after a twenty dollar entrance fee I was met with stale bagels and cold pancakes. 我想那里既然有更多选择,我的胃口应该会更加满足。然而花了20美元,我只吃到了不新鲜的百吉饼和已经冷掉的薄煎饼。
Enjoy the bagels. I'm untouchable. 我的百吉饼上说:我是太子命。
Right there, next to the cakes and cookies, are the bagels. 就在那里,挨着蛋糕和饼干的就是百吉饼了。
Never quite adjusting to the time difference, they fell asleep in taxis, demanded bagels at 2am and pinched and punched each other all the way to the top of the Empire State Building. 由于不太适应时差,他们在出租车里睡着了,在凌晨两点向我要百吉饼吃,一路打打闹闹着登上了帝国大厦顶层。
Paul: Bagels here are the best in the world. I've heard it's because of the city water, but I don't really know. 保罗:这里的贝果是全世界最好的。我听说是因为这城市的水质,但我不完全确定。
Do you want to buy your bagels at the hardware store? 你希望在五金店同时买到百吉饼吗?
Two centuries later, courtesy of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, bagels hit American shores. 两个世纪后,东欧的犹太移民使面包圈登上了美洲大陆。
He operates an honour system, where people take bagels and leave the cash to pay for them. 他建立了一个信誉制度,由人们自行取走面包圈,并自行留下买面包圈的钱。
Before me, he only knew girls who raised bagels. 在认识我之前,他只认识养小猎圈的女孩子。
There, the art of making bagels became a closely guarded secret as the Bagel Bakers 'Union only admitted sons of its members as apprentices. 在那里,面包圈的制作被视为最高机密,因为面包圈师父工会只接纳会员的儿子做学徒学艺。
Today, bagels can be found anywhere, from supermarkets to coffee shops, around the world. 如今在世界各地,从超级市场到咖啡店,面包圈随处可见。
People do two things on Sunday morning: They buy bagels, and they go to the hardware store. 人们在星期天早上会做两件事:先是买百吉饼,然后去五金店。
Over smoked whitefish and bagels, they paged through family photos. 他们一边薰烤着白鲑和百吉圈,一边一页页翻看家人的照片。
When we're finished preparing these strawberries and cream bagels you're going to eat humble pie! Marie: Well it's having real clotted cream on your scones with home-made strawberry jam to go with your tea. 等我们在面包圈上涂好草莓酱和奶油后,你就无话可说了!玛丽:那是喝茶,吃司康饼。司康饼抹浓缩奶油,以及店家自制的草莓酱。
Give me two bagels please. 给我两个百吉饼。
Evenly toasts a variety of bread products including bagels, texas toast, waffles, and english muffins; 均匀烘烤各类面包类产品,包括面包片、小餐包、硬面包圈、华夫饼、英式松饼等;
I'd like three bagels, two fried eggs and a pot of coffee. 三个火腿三明治,两个煎鸡蛋和一壶咖啡。
I'd like two dozen onion bagels, please. 请给我两打洋葱面包卷。
We had a Sunday brunch of bagels. 我们星期日的早午餐吃了硬面包圈。
After being cut, the two halves can be moved but are still linked together, each passing through the hole of the other. ( So when you buy your bagels, pick ones with the biggest holes.) 切完之后,这两个环可以移动但是被锁在了一起,每一个都是从另一个中间穿过。(所以你买这个面包的时候,买最大号的!)
From humble origins as a Jewish breakfast food, bagels have now become a favorite snack all over the world. 百吉饼出身卑微,原本是犹太人的早餐食品,现在已经成?广?全世界人欢迎的点心了。
Because bagels and cream cheese are often eaten together, they are complements. 因为百吉饼和奶酪通常一起食用,它们是互补品。
Do you love eating bagels for breakfast, if you are than that is a reason why you are gaining weight or will in the future? 你喜欢吃硬面包圈的早餐,如果您是不是这是一个原因,你是体重增加或将在未来?
Bars serve green beer, bakeries produce green bagels, Chicago goes the extra mile and dyes the river green. 酒吧里供应绿色的啤酒,而包房制作绿色的百吉圈,芝加哥更是不辞辛劳,把河水都染成了绿色。
Paul F., a retired economist, delivered bagels to offices, along with a box for payment. 退休经济学家保罗给写字楼送面包圈,并同时附上一个收钱的盒子。