The real question, putting it baldly, is whether there is going to be a revolution. 克林顿也在这些人中间。坦率地讲,真正的问题是:是否会有一场革命。
Speaking baldly, the lowest types men mostly are the common intellect. 不客气的说,所谓下士者绝大部分是指一般的知识份子。
To put It baldly, If you do not stop smoking you cannot be cure of the disease 坦白说,假使你不戒烟,这病就治不好
One is that people do baldly everything as they want despite of laws to meet all their private demands, such as killing and robbing. 有一些人,他们从此放心大胆的为所欲为,目无法纪,肆无忌惮地满足自己的私欲,杀人放火无所不为。
Tread gently if explaining what you know since you may arouse hostility if you tell the truth too baldly. 在解释你所知道的事情时要委婉一点,因为如果太过坦率这些事可能激起你的敌意。
To put it baldly, I can't afford to take the risk. 坦白地说,我冒不起那险。
Put it baldly, I can't stand the man. 直截了当地说,我容忍不了那个人。
The size of crystalline region and relative crystallinity were measured by X-ray on the timber which was treated by PF resin. The measurement results show that the crystalline structure of cellulose baldly changed compared with untreated wood. 利用X射线衍射法测得PF预聚物处理材的晶区大小和相对结晶度,结果表明,PF预聚物的引入没有改变纤维素的结构。