Ridden with warlordism and banditry; the country was in a state of chaos. 军阀混战,盗贼横行,真是昏天黑地。
He is talking about the banditry which plagues the road in this part of the province. 他指的是这个省的路上不断出没的盗贼。
Amadou says security is further complicated by drug trafficking, banditry, and kidnapping in an area that the government of Niger cannot control. 阿马杜说,再加上毒品贩运,盗匪和绑架等现象,使这个地区的安全问题更为复杂。这些都是尼日尔政府无力控制的。
Evil of banditry in Guangxi was not so conducive to Jintian Rise as it was thought to be. 广西“匪患”对于金田起事的影响并非学术界从前认为的那样有利。
Banditry is still rampant, the feudal forces remain intact, and we still have a long way to go to fulfil the quotas for public grain and taxes. 就目前说,土匪为患还很严重,封建势力原封未动,征粮收税任务的完成都还差得很远。
Where the peasant association is powerful, gambling has stopped altogether and banditry has vanished. Bandits in Action: A Reflection on Ethnography of Banditry Place 农会势盛地方,牌赌禁绝,盗匪潜踪。行动中的土匪&来自盗区民族志的反思
They themselves are energetically prohibiting gambling and suppressing banditry. 他们自己在那里努力禁牌赌,清盗匪。
Furthermore, banditry was a problem along the checkpoints and oasis towns, asXuanzang also recorded that his group of travelers were assaulted bybandits on multiple occasions. 此外,土匪是一个问题沿线的检查站和绿洲城镇,作为玄奘还记录,他的集团的旅客受到攻击土匪多次。
Bandits in Action: A Reflection on Ethnography of Banditry Place 行动中的土匪&来自盗区民族志的反思
Wherever the peasant associations are powerful, there is not a trace of banditry. 什么盗匪,在农会势盛地方,连影子都不见了。
To some extent, the understanding of public opinion about the banditry problem is an important prerequisite to study the social history of modern Guangdong. 在一定程度上,为研究近代广东盗匪问题提供了有助于了解问题的社会背景。
The paper studies the folk religion, putting the core problem contradictory symbol of unity and diversity into the background of scourge banditry. 本文的研究对象是民间大众宗教,将民间宗教的某一核心问题,如象征一体性与多样性的矛盾,放到匪患的背景来研究。
Where the peasant association is powerful, gambling has stopped altogether and banditry has vanished. 农会势盛地方,牌赌禁绝,盗匪潜踪。
In prohibiting gaming, gambling and opium-smoking, and in eliminating banditry, the peasant associations have won general approval. 对于禁牌、赌、鸦片和清匪,农民协会是博得一般人的同情的。
This kind of dialect has brilliant locality, national character, orality and inter-est, which was formed by the people in those years because of evading the evil of banditry. 这种当年因避讳匪祸而产生的言语形式,具有鲜明的地域性、民族性、口语性和趣味性。
To be sure, the rebel forces are often no kinder, and banditry is rife. 可以肯定的是,叛军通常不会仁慈,且所到之处掳掠不断。
On the contrary, the burgeoning Society of God Worshipers attracted the crack Qing troops to Jintian, which had been quartered in other provinces to exterminate banditry spreading over the country. 相反,拜上帝会的强势让清方很快便将原本用于清剿各地“匪患”的外省精兵全数调往金田。
Now, gruezak, like so many orcs, has resorted to banditry and other crimes simply to survive. 现在,像许多兽人一样,古林扎克为了谋生干起了盗匪以及其他犯罪勾当。
Taking the northwestern Region of Fujian Province as a case, this article attempts to analyze the banditry and its characteristics in the northwestern region of Fujian province in order to probe into the developments of the bandits in modern Fujian province. 文章试以闽西北地区为个案,分析20世纪上半期闽西北地区的匪患及特点,来探究近代福建土匪的发展情况。
Because of the serious scourge of war and banditry, unique landform, local culture atmosphere and economic strength, many Zhai-Baos were constructed, there in steep places near villages and convenient to defend. 由于当时严重的兵灾和匪患、独特的地形以及当地的文化氛围和经济实力,韩城村民在地势险峻且易守难攻、距离村落较近、便宜长期驻守的地方修建了众多的寨堡。
When the crime of invading business secrets is determined, it is necessary to distinguish between crime and non-crime, and among this crime, banditry and the crimes of invading national secrets. 在认定侵犯商业秘密罪时,应当注意罪与非罪以及该罪与盗窃罪、有关侵犯国家秘密的犯罪的界限。
An Analysis on Banditry in Xiangxi during the Period of the Republic of China 民国时期湘西匪患成因分析
The land reform, firstly, struggled with hegemony, eliminating the banditry by and large and providing a relatively stable social environment for land reform. 围绕土改这一工作中心,首先展开了剿匪反霸的斗争,大体上消除了匪患,从而为土地改革的顺利展开提供了一个相对安定的社会环境。
Chapter two examines the social activities of missionaries in terms of medical treatment, education, charity, Anti-Japanese War and how they deal with social issues such as opium and banditry. 第二章从医疗、教育、慈善、抗战、传教士对鸦片和匪患等社会问题的处理等方面,详细考察了传教士的社会活动。
Second is the social management facing problems, including immigrants, refugees, banditry problem, the problem of drugs and medical problems, mainly analyzes the various social problems. 二是社会管理直面的难题,包括移民、难民问题,匪患问题,烟毒问题和医疗问题,主要分析各个社会问题产生的原因。
This difference caused by diverse factors, fueled by both natural disasters and the ravages of war, banditry and other social problems, more intrusive of all kinds of taxes, rent and usury, exploitation and income distribution uneven. 引起这种差异的因素多样,既有天灾、兵患、匪盗等社会问题的推波助澜,更有各种税收的侵扰、地租和高利贷的剥削以及收入分配不均的影响。
But with the effect of the warlordism, banditry and natural disaster, Jiangsu province country economy had gradually deteriorated, leading to the rural financial disorder and lagging. 但是受历年的军阀混战、盗匪横行以及天灾的影响,苏省的乡村经济也渐趋恶化,从而导致农村金融秩序的紊乱和滞后。
In the fifth part, the author details the missionaries 'attitude toward opium and banditry issues in Inner Mongolia and the measures they took. 第五部分详细考察了传教士对内蒙古社会存在的鸦片和匪患问题的态度及采取的措施。