Brand shook his head. He was tired of bandying words with the man 布兰德摇了摇头。他已经厌烦了和这个男人斗嘴。
The prosecution and defense were bandying accusations back and forth. 原告和被告你来我往,互相指责。
Here were these two, bandying little phrases, drawing purses, looking at cards, and both unconscious of how inarticulate all their real feelings were. 就是这两个人,交换短短的语句,掏荷包,看名片,却都没有觉察到他们的真情是多么难以捉摸。
I don't want people bandying my name about in public. 我不希望人们在公开场合乱提我的名字。
Now central bankers are bandying around more eye-poppingly large numbers that are supposed to reassure us all ( think quantitative easing). 如今,各国央行正四处播撒数目看起来更加骇人的巨额资金,目的是恢复我们大家的信心(不妨想想量化宽松政策)。
So the world's leaders diverted attention with an old formula: bandying around big but squishy numbers and blathering about the importance of international institutions. 所以世界各国的领袖们只好用以往的模式来转移视线:用一些大数据来闪烁其辞,大谈建立国际机构的重要性。
I heard the Smiths bandying words with each other at midnight. 午夜时分,我听到史密斯夫妇在吵架。