Banque Piguet specialises in private banking, institutional asset management and services to independent portfolio managers. 瑞士宝华银行提供私人银行服务、机构资?管理和独立投资组合经理的专业服务。
Last but by no means least, the Banque de France has proposed that a central counterparty needs to be established for the eurozone in other words, one that is not located in London, since the UK is not in the euro. 最后但绝非最不重要的一点是,法国央行(banquedefrance)已提出,有必要为欧元区设立一个中央对手方换句话说,它的地点不能在伦敦,因为英国不属于欧元区。
But this acting affected Bank of China's fund utilization gravely because of the money advanced for cashing Banque Industrielle De Chine's notes returned too late. 由于代兑垫款迟迟没有归还,影响了中国银行对于资金的运用。