The soldiers bantered with him as though he was a kid brother 士兵们把他当作弟弟一样和他开着玩笑。
We bantered a bit while I tried to get the car started. 我试图发动车子的时候我们互相打趣了几句。
And as the pair bantered on stage the television, cameras panned to Jolie, perhaps hoping to see her glaring at the woman who recently described her as "really uncool". 当两人在台上打趣时,场内的摄像机镜头立马对准了茱丽,可能是希望看到她怒视曾评价她“不厚道”的安妮斯顿时的模样。
At an employment fair for the medical appliance industry at a government-run career center near the Lama Temple in Beijing last week, more than a hundred job seekers bantered with recruiters and weighed their options. 上周,北京的雍和宫附近一个政府运营的就业指导中心,举行了一场医疗器械行业的招聘会。100多位求职者与用人单位攀谈着,权衡着自己的选择。
We bantered him on the subject of marriage. 我们在婚姻问题上戏谑了他。
We bantered Nick on the subject of marriage. 我们就婚姻问题取笑尼克。
We just stood and bantered for half an hour. 我们就站在那儿说笑了半个小时。
The rival team members bantered before the game. 双方队员在比赛前互相说笑。
Although Shanghai men are bantered as henpecked husband, they do not submit to their wives. 虽然上海男人被戏谑为“妻管严”,但他并不屈从于妻子。
He bantered with his grandchildren. 他和他的几个孙子逗乐。
Need definitions of those confusing words we hear bantered about every day and are afraid to ask the meaning of? 要界定这些混乱的话,我们听到芳芳约每天都害怕问的意思?
He bantered with him much more frequently. 他愈来愈喜欢拿他打趣逗乐了。
Bantered with her colleagues about their long coffee breaks; 她戏谑地取笑同事们的喝咖啡时间总是很长;
The sister scolded, Robin rallied ad bantered, poor Betty lost ground by it extremely in the family. 那位姐姐肆口谩骂,洛宾冷嘲热讽,可怜的柏蒂在那家里完全失去了立足之地。
According to the second model, the bantered attempts to search the maximally relevant information in his/ her cognitive context with the activation of the banter utterance. 根据该模型,在玩笑命题的刺激下,受话者搜索最大相关的语境信息。