The barbel fish eagerly dives in here, especially when the hippo was in dung production mode. 鲃鱼就在这里出没,尤其是当河马正处于“生产”的模式中。
The barbel is so eager for what the hippo is trying to get rid of that they will race after him like an autograph seeker chasing a rock star. 鲃鱼是如此的渴望河马排干净,不然这些鱼会像追摇滚明星要签名那样穷追不舍。
Zoology A sensory or tactile organ, such as an antenna, a tentacle, or a barbel. 感觉或触觉器官,例如触角、触手或触须。
Mouth terminal and lateral, no chin barbel. 口端位与侧面又没有下巴触须。
Taste organs in the mouth and barbel of Clarias leather 革胡子鲇触须和口腔粘膜的味觉器官
Conclusions: ( 1) Raises barbel phase: Huang Zhong adopted narrow grip when he did the three clean and jerk. 经过分析得出如下结论:(1)提铃阶段:黄忠在3次挺举提铃双手呈窄握状态。