The barkeep and his family were the real heroes, while I, on the other end, found a haven among the enemy. 其实他们一家才是真正的英雄,另一方面,更多的眼睛开始从天堂注视着敌人。
Barkeep, give this man a trough of spritzer. 老板,给这位一槽汽酒。
As for myself, I had a crush on the barkeep's only daughter, who was a little older than me. 而我喜欢上了比我大一些的酒保惟一的女儿。
It seems strange to me that Nerflin, a barkeep known by everyone within a day's ride of here, and proprietor of a well-established inn-would be talking with an old drunk about murders and plots. 我觉得奇怪的是耐法林,就算是距这里一天路程的地方,也谁都认识的酒保,并且是很有名气的旅店经营者&会和一个老酒鬼谈论秘密谋杀。