n. (英格兰古法)大农场;农舍场院;农舍外屋;圈栏;(家禽的)圈棚;围栏; (英格兰古法)领主自用地;领主自留地;领主家宅
Dominic Barton, chairman of the consulting firm McKinsey& Co. 多米尼克.巴顿是国际咨询公司麦肯锡亚洲部的负责人。
That puts her squarely in the company of Britney Spears, Mischa Barton and Amanda Bynes. 而这番点评将她与小甜甜布兰妮(BritneySpears)、米莎•巴顿(MischaBarton)和阿曼达•拜恩斯(AmandaBynes)归到了一类。
Their visitors, except those from Barton Park, were not many; 达什伍德家的客人除了巴顿庄园一家人,来自别处的并不多。
After three months of interviews, Barton and DWH turned out to be a perfect match. 谈了三个月后,巴顿和DWH公司觉得双方确实算是天作之合。
DWH hired Barton as a sales consultant in August 2013 in its build-on-your-lot division. 2013年8月,DWH公司聘请巴顿担任自家地上造房部门的销售顾问。
How does Gaskell use the ballad "The Oldham Weaver" in Mary Barton? 在《玛莉包顿》里,盖斯凯尔如何运用叙事诗奥耳丹的织布工?
The Barton family have lived in this village since time immemorial. 巴顿家族自古以来就住在这个村里。
Hirokane believes he has the answer to Barton's question. 弘兼剑士认为他可以回答巴顿的问题。
Long ago he and John Barton had a fancy for shooting at the gallery. 很久以前,他和约翰?巴顿都喜欢到打枪场里去比赛。
Barton: I've always found that writing comes from a great inner pain. 巴顿:我一直认为写作来源于内心的巨大痛苦。
The wine had made Barton a trifle tipsy. 这酒使巴顿微微有些醉了。
Results are promising, but it is too soon to recommend that people use ginseng, Barton said. Barton指出虽然研究结果显示了人参的治疗前景,但推荐病人使用还为时过早。
She has recently returned to rent an apartment in the Clara Barton condominium complex. 她最近回到华盛顿,她ClaraBarton公寓区租了一套住房。
So I went to see that guy Barton at the DOJ Do you remember him? 于是我去见了巴顿先生,你还记得吗?
She resigned herself to losing Cal Barton's company, but very reluctantly. 她放弃了,而失去了做卡巴顿的舞伴,但她是很不情愿的。
Detective Barton: And yet, you got engaged to the man who murdered your husband. 不一定,你曾经和谋杀你丈夫的人定了婚。
Brought Joey Barton and Alan Smith to the club. 在他任职期间买入了巴顿和史密斯。
Of late years, John Barton had had a repellent power. 近年来约翰·巴顿身上有一种拒人于千里之外的力量。
Four of shakespeare's history plays were conflated by John barton. 莎士比亚的四个历史剧被约翰巴顿合并为一个剧本。
All she knew was a thrill of ecstasy that Cal Barton desired her! 她只知道卡巴顿对她的欲望,这使她喜悦得心醉。
Lampard concedes he was disappointed by his tournament performances, but believes Barton's comments were ill-advised. 虽然兰帕德承认对自己的德国之行感到失望,但是他认为巴顿的这番评论是很愚蠢的!
1881-The American Red Cross is established by Clara Barton. 1881年的今天,美国红十字会由克蕾拉·巴顿创立。
Liverpool, meanwhile, are monitoring the young Preston North End midfielder Adam Barton. 利物浦对普瑞斯顿的中场巴顿密切关注中。
For Cal Barton did not go away on his usual mysterious long weekend. 通常,卡巴顿在周末会神秘消失,而这次没有。
Barton has always told me that he likes the way I feel about life and the world. 巴顿总跟我说,她喜欢我看待生活和世界的方式。
Lucy Steele completely imposes upon Barton and on the Ferrar family. 露西·斯蒂尔完全控制了巴顿和费拉尔一家。
Mrs Barton teaches in a secondary modern school. 巴顿太太在一所现代中学教书。
Milo, this is Mr. Barton from the 麦洛,这是巴顿先生,来自
Your Mary Barton has gotten into some scrap or other. 你的玛丽·巴顿一定碰到什么麻烦了。