The lack of one basketful of earth spoils the entire effort to build a nine-ren mountain. 为山九仞,功亏一篑。
After the storm she gathered a basketful of windfalls in the apple orchard. 风暴过后,她从苹果园地上拣了满满一篮子苹果。
I saw him carrying a basketful of vegetables on his way home. 我看到他回家的路上带着一篮子蔬菜。
I have a basketful of surprises for you. 我有许多让你吃惊的消息。
He gave me a basketful of beaches. 他给了我满满一篮子桃子。
The basketful eggs were crushed to pieces by the car. 一篮子鸡蛋全被汽车压碎。
To-day in the dew-cooled calm of the dawn you are walking to God's temple, bathed and robed in white, with a basketful of flowers in your hand. 今朝,晨露晶莹,黎明岑寂。你,刚刚沐浴归来,身着洁白的长袍,手提满篮的鲜花,向神庙走去。
He sent us a basketful of apples yesterday. 昨天他送给我们一篮子的苹果。
When we gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful. 一旦我们一粒一粒地留心收集,很快就会集满一筐。
Finally, Camilla shelled out28.49 pounds for a basketful of groceries from her husband's Duchy Originals brand. 最后,卡米拉在维特罗斯超市查尔斯王子的有机食品品牌“公爵原作”区买了满满一篮子的食品杂货,消费28.49英镑。