As Apple basks in the unprecedented demand for its latest iPhones, suppliers from Tokyo to Taipei are sharing in the spoils. 最新款iPhone给苹果(Apple)带来了空前的需求,从东京到台北的苹果供应商也从中分了一杯羹。
Just as Mercury is locked facing the sun, the planet is tidally locked to its star, so that one side basks in perpetual daylight, while the other side remains in darkness. 与水星总有一半固定地面对太阳相似,该行星总是始终保持一面朝向恒星,使得星球的一半永久处于阳光之中,而另一半则永久位于黑暗。
In any case, he certainly looks like he is having a squeal of a time as he basks in the Italian countryside, bathed in the springtime sun. 不管是哪种情况,在意大利郊外沐浴在春日的阳光里,这只小睡鼠看起来像是要发出一声尖叫的样子。
The cat basks before the fire. 猫常在火炉前取暖。
The serpent coils in the grass of the streets, the lizard basks in the solitary halls. 毒蛇盘绕在街头的草丛中,蜥蜴在残败的大厅中自由爬行。
He basks in other people's adulation. 他陶醉在别人的奉承中。
"She basks in his bright smile" 他那灿烂的微笑使她觉得温暖
Someone who basks in the sunshine in order to get a suntan. 在日光下晒太阳以把皮肤晒成黑色的人。
And she, and the bird basks in the sun! 她和一只鸟安静地晒太阳!