In looking at this problem, though, we didn't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. 尽管是有这样的问题存在,我们不想在泼水的时候把孩子也扔掉。
Market crash and market failure is not the same thing, a professor explained to me the other day; as the world turns left towards Keynesianism and protectionism, I worry that politicians might end up throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 前几天,有位教授向我解释道,市场崩溃和市场失败不是一回事。随着世界逐渐左倾、转向凯恩斯主义和保护主义,我担心,政治家们最终会把婴儿连同洗澡水一起倒掉。
I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. 我可不会把没擦干的小孩子扔出去。
In the moment of panic, we shouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater. 在恐慌的时候,我们不应该不分好坏的排斥。
Main street America did not vote to throw out the capitalist baby with the bankers 'bathwater. 美国人不会同意把资本主义的婴儿与银行家的洗澡水一起泼出去。
In fact, the baby is being thrown away with the bathwater. 实际上,婴儿已经和洗澡水一起被泼了出去。
The danger here, to use an English expression, is of "throwing out the baby with the bathwater". 此处的危险,用一句经典的英语表述,就是“把孩子和洗澡水一起倒掉了”。
Bathwater would've made a potent conductor. 浴缸水是有效的导体。
If the conditions are good, not those of the poor, support the bathwater! 如果条件好的话,就不差那些了,支持倒掉!
You should not throw out the baby with the bathwater, but add a practice at a time as needed. 你不应该抛弃的婴儿与洗澡水一起倒掉,但添加一个实践的时间内需要。
Maslow felt that the baby ( in this case, human nature) shouldn't be so easily mistaken for the bathwater ( the problem itself). 马斯洛认为,性质)婴儿(在这种情况下,人类不应该这么容易)误认为是洗澡水(问题本身。
Add a few drops to your bathwater. 往洗澡水里加几滴。
To solve specific issue, this paper designs a combined heat exchanger, using boiler feed water and bathwater as low temperature heat source to recover the heat. 针对具体问题,设计组合式热管换热器,使用锅炉给水和洗澡水作为低温热源来回收燃气锅炉烟气余热。