包豪斯建筑学派(20世纪初德国建筑和设计的一种风格和流派,受工业界方法和材料的影响,强调实用功能) a style and movement in German architecture and design in the early 20th century that was influenced by the methods and materials used in industry and placed emphasis on how things would be used
A Study of the Elegant Ci Poetry Genre in the Southern Song Dynasty; Since it evolved over time, the modernist aesthetic is made up of many artistic movements including futurism, Bauhaus, constructivism and purism. 随着时代的发展,现代美学出现了各种艺术流派,如未来派、鲍豪斯建筑学派、构成派和纯粹派。
The industrial design and education methodology of Bauhaus represent the trend in design industry in the20th century, and contributes to the evolution of modern architectual and industrial design, also the global cultural progress. 包豪斯的工业设计理论和教育思想代表了20世纪的设计潮流,对现代建筑及工业设计革命作出了巨大的贡献;对世界文化也有着深远的影响。
The architecture in Bauhaus style is a piece of art in itself. 包豪斯风格的建筑本身就是艺术品。
A Study of Innovation and Capacity: A Model of Bauhaus 'Art Education 德国包豪斯艺术创新能力培养模式研究
The Organising Committee for the Games in Munich in1972 broke new ground by having a different reverse which was designed by a Bauhaus representative, Gerhard Marcks. 直到1972年奥运会,当时的慕尼黑组委会突破原有设计,采用了包豪斯建筑学派代表人物格哈德?玛克思(GerhardMarcks)的设计,更改了奖牌背面图案。
The third part introduced the Germany industrial design takes shape the time, this period mainly is Bauhaus and modernism starting. 第三部分介绍德国工业设计的成型时期,这期间主要是包豪斯和现代主义的兴起。
What the Bauhaus left for the United States? What the United States left for the World? 包豪斯给美国留下了什么?美国给世界留下了什么?
As a general doctrine the Bauhaus sought to establish the common citizenship of all forms of creative work and their interdependence on each other. 作为一个普遍应用的学说包豪斯谋求建立普通公民一切形式的艺术创作及其相互之间的依存关系。
Bauhaus, not only as very fashionable design system throughout the world at that time, but also has affected the whole generation with its ideology and aesthetics in the design field in modem times. 包豪斯作为一种设计体系在当年风靡整个世界,在当代设计领域中它的思想和美学趣味依然对设计教育的方向和选择具有极为深远的影响。
The Pedagogics Legacy of the Bauhaus and the Contemporary Design Education of China 包豪斯的教育学遗产与中国现代设计教育
The Mayor of Dessau succeeded in securing the transfer of the Bauhaus to his town. 德桑市长成功争取到了包豪斯向他的城市转移的机会。
Bauhaus: An Effort of Reunion Art and Craftsmanship 包豪斯:重建艺术与手艺和谐的努力
Lift-slide doors highlight the Bauhaus style, showing off the modern home on the preferred taste and personality. 提升推拉门突显包豪斯格调,是现代华宅展露品味和个性的首选。
As with most art movements that begin with manifestos, the Bauhaus school had a Utopian element. 正如大部分的艺术运动都始于某些宣言一样,包豪斯学派也有着乌托邦式的色彩。
Under the Halo of Architecture: Interior Design Education and New Housing Thoughts Of Bauhaus 撩去建筑的光环&包豪斯的室内设计教育与新住宅思想
This thesis mainly explores how the leading thought ofDes Staatliches Bauhaus affects the design education in china. 本文主要探索包豪斯设计学校指导思想对中国设计教育的影响。
From the Bauhaus, the constructive art has been an important theory system of modern design. 构成艺术是自包豪斯以来的一种重要的现代设计理论体系。
Bauhaus Books and Coffee ( Capitol Hill) Bauhaus书籍和咖啡(国会山庄)
Simply put, the locus of the Bauhaus was creativity-self expression and the painterly exploration of the unconscious mind. 简单地说,包豪斯的轨迹创造力-自我表达和潜意识的绘画探索。
This design was created by Gerhard Marcks, one of the last representatives of the Bauhaus. 奖牌的设计者是包豪斯建筑学派的最后代表人物之一、德国人格哈德-玛克斯。
Walter Gropius and Meier, the second headmaster of Bauhaus, had designed and constructed a dwelling district nearby Dessau from Yr.1926 to Yr.1928 aiming at realizing their ideology. 为了实践自己的理念,格罗庇乌斯与包豪斯第二任校长迈耶在1926~1928年在德绍附近的图登设计并完成了一个住宅小区。
Look at the Cultivation of Innovative Media Talents in China from the Media Education of Bauhaus University 从包豪斯大学的媒体教育看我国媒体创新人才的培养
However, the constraint of the using desire and the process of releasing incriminatory sense put the image users onto the passive position of Bauhaus. 它是对使用包豪斯的欲望的表达,是包豪斯对使用者的认同。
Mies Van der Rohe was a contemporary of Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius ( the founder of the Bauhaus School), Mies is one of the original instigators of the Modernist Movement. 密斯凡德罗是当代的柯布西耶和沃尔特·格罗佩斯(创始人的包豪斯学校),密斯是一个原始的煽动者的现代主义运动。
On the Bauhaus Design Education and Training Mode 论包豪斯教育思想与设计人才培养模式
The aim of the thesis is to get elicitation through the research of its basic education system and the contrast between the Bauhaus and our countrys basic design education system. 论文回顾了历史上最有名的设计学校&德国包豪斯设计学院的历史,通过对它的设计基础教育的研究,并与我国设计基础教育情况的对比,从中得到启发。
Bauhaus school of design in Germany changed the way that the world thought about design. 德国的包豪斯造型学院倡导的艺术改变了世人的既定设计思维模式。
It was inspired by Weimar, cradle of Bauhaus architecture, which has a functionality and modernity rather in tune with the surroundings of a metropolis such as Shanghai. 这座小镇的设计灵感来自包豪斯(Bauhaus)建筑的发祥地魏玛,其功能性和现代气息特别符合上海等大都市的周边环境。
Jacobs, the founding editor of Dwell magazine, the glossy bible for the Bauhaus crowd, is a devotee of modern design. 雅各布丝是现代设计的狂热迷恋者,而且是《房居杂志》创始编辑。
Bauhaus campaign is a great revolution in the modern art history. 包豪斯运动是近现代艺术史上的一次具有创造性的革命。