A comment on the methods of the analysis on Bayles 'legal procedures 贝勒斯法律程序分析之方法评析
Bayles these elements are inherent in the theory of procedural justice component of the correlation between them with each other and jointly form a relatively complete map of the procedural justice system. Part ⅲ: Bayles Procedural Justice Theory of the scope of application. 这些内容都是贝勒斯程序正义理论的内在组成部分,它们之间彼此相互关联,共同构成了一个相对完整的程序正义体系图谱。第三部分:贝勒斯程序正义理论的适用范围。
Theory of procedural justice of Bayles comes into being in the context of this. Part ⅱ: Bayles Procedural Justice Theory of the inner constitution. 贝勒斯的程序正义理论就是在这种背景下应运而生的。第二部分:贝勒斯程序正义理论的内在构成。
Bayles in building their own procedures for the general theoretical system just prior to its theoretical system of the basic premise of procedural justice applicable to the specific context of a restrictive definition, does not contain all of the procedural justice context. 贝勒斯在构建自己的一般性程序正义的理论体系之前,对其理论体系的基础性前提程序正义适用的具体语境进行了限制性界定,并不包含所有语境下的程序正义。
Bayles considers that the application of the procedure should be considered by the second factor is done to determine whether or not there is adverse impact on benefits. 贝勒斯认为程序正义的适用应考虑的第二项因素就是所做决定是否对利益有不利的影响。
Through the procedure theory with a general summary of the opinion in common law countries since 1960, from a broader perspective of theoretical thinking, Bayles puts forward a system of procedural justice theory. 在对英美法系国家自20世纪60年代以来的程序理论加以总结与概括的基础上,贝勒斯从更广泛的角度对这一理论进行了思考,提出了系统的程序正义理论。