n. 灯塔, 信号浮标;烽火;指路明灯
vt. 照亮, 指引
vi. 像灯塔般照耀 beacon 的过去式, 过去分词
Neon lights beaconed all night long. 霓虹灯像灯塔般整夜照耀着。
These costful words like a steady light beaconed from the tower. 这些珍贵的言语像一个稳定的光线从灯塔上。
A steady light beaconed from the tower. 一道稳定的光线从灯塔上指引着。
Could you see the moonlight? It was your life beaconed all dim light! 你看到月光了吗?那是在昏暗中照亮你生命的灯塔!
When you open the file, the image is downloaded and information about the file is beaconed back to the external server. 当您打开该文件时,就会下载图像并且会将有关该文件的信息以信号形式发送回外部服务器。
This value is beaconed after short durations so that all the nodes have the updated information and are transmitting with only the required power. 该值在短时期内给定,为了让所有的节点有更新信息,并且只按所需功率发射。