Senior dentists say the problem is often caused by well-meaning parents giving toddlers sugar-laden drinks in bottles and beakers. They are now urging families to restrict children to milk and water. 一些牙医称这个问题常常是由父母造成的,他们好心为孩子购买瓶装含糖饮料,却好心办了坏事。现在牙医要求家长只给孩子喝水和牛奶。
Many parents give children fruit juice or squash in bottles and beakers to comfort them or before bed. 许多父母在哄孩子的时候或睡觉之前给孩子喝瓶装的果汁或汽水。
She gave the children beakers of juice. 她给孩子们几杯果汁。
It can be VERY important to establish contact with all the other civilizations in order to speed your beakers applied count. 为加速烧杯生产量,与其它文明建立联系非常重要。
You walk away now, it's back to beakers and Bunsen burners. 你马上去拿些烧杯和本生灯来。
The operation conditions such as pH, dose required and removal efficiency were studied by the jar test experiments which were performed using a series of five beakers ( 1L each). 如,进行了通过利用一个五烧杯(一公升每个)系列的JAR测试实验,对操作条件如PH值,剂量需要和去除效率进行了研究。