Nothing is more easy to present to the imagination than the bishop's bedchamber. 去想象一下主教的卧室,再简单也没有了。
Was he not, by your invitation, asked to come the king's bedchamber? 难道不是你邀请她去国王卧室吗?
The ringing of the bell had caused the adjoining bedchamber to be lighted. 刚才的铃声已命令隔壁房间点起了灯。
Growing bolder, he even sneaks into the royal bedchamber and seduces the queen. 随着胆量的增长,他甚至偷溜到国王的卧室里诱奸了王后。
With both windows open wide, the light of the waning moon spilled across the bedchamber. 两扇窗户都是全开的,苍白的月亮光洒满了卧室。
About children educational expert points out, live in mass-tone to move, when children bedchamber chooses color, want especially "because of the person different". 有关儿童教育专家指出,家居主色调,尤其是儿童卧房选择色彩时要因人而异。
The bedchamber leader is responsible for the whole things, which include the security, the hygiene the supervision and the culture affairs. 宿舍长负责宿舍总的事务,具体为安全、文化、卫生和监督工作。
Scrooge was left alone and exhausted in his bedchamber. scrooge在他的卧室里面独自一人,变的精疲力尽。
The carol of the birds was loud and high, and, on the weather-beaten sill of the great window of the bedchamber of Monsieur the Marquis, one little bird sang its sweetest song with all its might. 侯爵卧室那饱经风霜的巨大窗户的窗棂上一只小鸟正竭尽全力唱出最甜美的歌。
I keep her hands in my bedchamber. 我把她的手珍藏在卧室。
In bedchamber, simple layout, ample space, of quietly elegant tonal, what everything all is explaining this is one is full of warmth is feudal. 卧房中,简单的布局,宽大的空间,淡雅的色调,一切的一切都在说明这是一个布满温情的领地。
Miriamele made an anguished sound, trying to bury her face in her long blue veil, then leaped up to dash past on velvet-slippered feet into her bedchamber. Miriamele发出痛苦的声音,用她长长的蓝色面纱遮住脸,跳起来,穿着天鹅绒的拖鞋的脚飞跑进她的寝室。
During the Ming and early Qing Dynasties, Qian Qing Gong ( Palace of Heavenly Purity) was used as the emperor's bedchamber, and Kun Ning Gong ( Palace of Earthly Tranquility) was where the empress lived. 在明代和清初,乾清宫是皇帝的寝宫,坤宁宫是皇后的住处。
According to predict by authorities, the ratio of the total retailing amount of the Chinese bedchamber decorating consume in 2002 will increase one percentage point. 我国城乡居民生活水平已经发生了重大变化和极大提高,据权威人士预测,2002年中国寝饰类消费支出占社会消费品零售总额的比率将增加一个百分点。