In an economic downturn, Chinese banks might face liquidity issues, says Jason Bedford of KPMG, a consultancy. 咨询公司毕马威(KPMG)的杰森贝德福德说,一旦遭遇经济不景气,中国的银行可能会面临流动性问题。
Stevie was found by a member of the public in her garden in Bedford, on July 27 and brought into Wood Green. 史提夫是被一位民众于7月27日在其位于贝德福德的自家花园里发现的,继而被送往WoodGreen收容所。
There were some members of a scientific expedition on the whale-ship Bedford. From the deck they remarked a strange object on the shore. 贝德富号捕鲸船有几个科学考察队的队员,他们从甲板上望见岸上有一个奇怪的物体。
Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. 下午茶是由第七任贝德福公爵夫人安娜在1840年创造出来的。
The chairman and chief executive of Goldman Sachs grew up on a public-housing project in East New York – close to Bedford Stuyvesant – but now lives by Central Park. 这位高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事长兼首席执行官在纽约布鲁克林区东纽约(EastNewYork,靠近贝德福德-施托伊弗桑特)的公租房中长大,但现在住在中央公园附近。
Joan Sawyer of Bedford says all her efforts paid off after realizing the horror of dropping her diamond ring into her single trash bag, that wound up among thousands of others. 贝德福德市的琼-索耶称说,在上千个垃圾袋中找回自己曾误丢戒指的那一袋,她所有的努力都值得了。
'I shall have the honour of calling at the Bedford, Sir, if you'll permit me,' said the Major. 如果您允许,先生,我将荣幸地到贝德福德旅馆去拜访您,少校说道。
Stewart's mother now occupies Turkey Hill, while Stewart currently lives at her new home in Bedford, New York. 斯图尔特的母亲现居住在火鸡山农庄,而斯图尔特目前则住在其纽约贝德福德的新家。
But they also want to immerse their children in a less deferential and didactic western education, says Philip Evans, headmaster at Bedford School for boys in Britain, whose intake is 14 per cent from overseas. 但贝德福德学校(BedfordSchool)校长菲利普•埃文斯(PhilipEvans)称,他们也想让孩子在相对不是那么拘谨与说教的环境中接受西方教育的熏陶。该校有14%的学生来自海外。
There were some members of a scientific expedition on the whale-ship BEDFORD. 捕鲸船“白德福号”上,有几个科学考察队的人员。
MIKE: There's that new apartment building on Bedford Street. 迈克:在贝德福街有幢新公寓楼,贝德福德庄园。
"The growth rate of the sector might eventually be cause for concern," said Jason Bedford, author of the report. "Because there have been no defaults, there is a perception at times among investors that these are extremely low-risk products." 该报告的作者贾森贝德福德(jasonbedford)表示:“信托行业的增长幅度可能最终将令人担忧,因为信托业尚未出现违约,投资者往往认为,这些都是风险极低的产品。”
Three weeks afterward the man lay in a bunk on the whale-ship bedford, and with tears streaming down his wasted cheeks told who he was and what he had undergone. 三星期以后,这个人躺在捕鲸船“白德福号”的一个铺位上,眼泪顺着他的削瘦的面颊往下淌,他说出他是谁和他经过的一切。
Over the first four laps, Bedford stayed abreast of the German runner. 在头四圈里,贝德福德一直与那名德国赛跑选手并驾齐驱。
Jason Bedford, a former big four auditor who has focused on the Chinese trust sector for the past six years, said he had never seen a product that relied exclusively on third-party guarantees. 贾森贝德福德(JasonBedford)曾是四大会计师事务所的一名审计师,并在过去六年中专注研究中国信托行业。他表示,自己从未见过有哪一只信托产品完全依赖第三方担保。
Those interruptions are connected to an expansion of Bedford's production facilities, he said. 他表示这些停顿与公司扩展生产设备有关。
A man answering his description has been seen in the Bedford area. 与他的描述相符的一个男子在贝德福德地区出现了。
Both Hudson tomcod and New Bedford killifish, however, have unusual AHR molecules. 哈德逊鳕鱼和新贝尔福德鳉鱼都拥有特殊的AHR。
In 1887 the family returned to Bedford Park, and Yeats devoted himself to writing. 1887年叶芝全家又迁往贝德福德,叶芝开始致力于写作。
So in2000, along with the greatest educator I knew, a young man named Norman Atkins, we started the Excellence Charter School in Bedford Stuyvesant for boys. 所以在2000年,我和我所知道的最伟大的教育家&名为诺曼•阿特金斯的年轻人一起在BedfordStuyvesant为男生们开办了优秀特许学校。
Of the28 troops from Bedford who left the landing craft, 22 were killed, most before they reached the sand, by murderous machine gun fire. 离开登陆艇的来自贝德福德的28个军中,有22个军被疯狂的机关枪火力歼灭,他们中的大部分在到达沙滩前就牺牲了。
In the case of the New Bedford killifish the situation is similar, but more complicated. 就新贝德福德港的鳉鱼来说情况颇为相似,便更为复杂。
Despite a widespread view that trusts are inherently dangerous, Mr Bedford said many were increasingly sophisticated. 尽管人们普遍认为,中国的信托公司在本质上是危险的,但贝德福德表示,许多信托公司正变得越来越老练。
Dr Hahn is looking at a different animal, the killifish ( pictured), in New Bedford harbour, Massachusetts, which was polluted by other producers. Hahn博士正在观察另外一群,鳉鱼(上图所示),马萨诸塞州的新贝德福德港亦是深受其他工厂的污染。
Then on to Bedford where we pay thoroughly modern prices for bed and no breakfast in a middle-of-the-road hotel. 后来去贝德福得的路上我们投宿在一个途中旅店,为不带早餐的铺位支付了最现代的费用。
Butterfly bridge, Bedford, uk, 1997 蝴蝶桥,贝德福德,英国
QUASAR model, which was developed from a model of Bedford Ouse by Whitehead and has been applied as part of the UK LOIS project, is a dynamic river water quality model using 1D ordinary equation. QUASAR模型是一维动态综合水质模型,是由英国Whitehead建立的贝德福郡乌斯河水质模型发展而来,并成功地应用于英国LOIS工程。
40 SD reference Bedford reported in female rats of maximum oxygen uptake in rat standard, establishment of large, medium and small of different intensity exercise in rats model; at the same time setting of the control group. 将40只SD雌性大鼠参照Bedford报道大鼠最大摄氧量的标准,建立大、中、小不同强度的大鼠运动模型;同时设置对照组。