行为主义(某些心理学家认为研究人或动物心理的唯一有效方法就是观察其行为表现) Behaviourism is the belief held by some psychologists that the only valid method of studying the psychology of people or animals is to observe how they behave.
So the extent to which I am a behaviourist is in seeing behaviourism as a way of making objective sense of mentalistic concepts. 因此,我把行为主义看作心理概念客观化的手段,正是在这个意义上我把自己看成是一个行为主义者。
Behaviourism psychology has ended Fengte and Du Wei unify dreary aspect in the world, has raised upper deep west psychology history revolution. 行为主义心理学结束了冯特和杜威一统天下的沉闷局面,掀起了西方心理学史上的深刻革命。
What is the influence of Behaviourism over American structuralism? 行为主义对美国结构主义的影响?
Behaviourism leaves out of account consciousness and introspection. 行为主义不把意识和内省考虑在内。
Magee: What you're really saying is that behaviourism is not a solution to the kind of problems with which the psychologist deals, but a way of formulating them. 你是说,行为主义不是一种解决心理学家处理的那种问题的方法,而是表述这些问题的一种方式。
Mayo, the founding father of Behaviourism in the Occidental management science, put forward epoch-making thoughts on Social Man, Informal Group and new leadership after through experiments at Hawthorne plant for 8 years. 梅奥是西方管理学中行为科学理论的创始人,他通过长达8年之久的霍桑试验,提出了划时代的管理思想:职工是社会人;企业中存在着非正式组织;
Behaviourism, cognitive theory and humanism are the three most influential study theories in the western countries, and the subsequent study theories are just their complements or revisions. 以行为主义、认知理论和人本主义为主流的学习理论是现代西方最具影响力的三种学习理论,在其后发展起来的各种理论无不是对它们的补充和修订。