ADJ 欠…人情的;受…恩惠的;对…负有义务的 If you are beholden to someone, you are in debt to them in some way or you feel that you have a duty to them because they have helped you.
He was made beholden to the Mafia... 他受过黑手党的恩惠。
We feel really beholden to them for what they've done. 对他们所做的一切,我们真是感激不尽。
We feel really beholden to them for what they've done. 对他们所做的一切,我们真是感激不尽。
In fact, don't even feel beholden to give gifts if you can't afford it this season. 事实上,如果今年你负担不起的话,甚至不要认为送礼是必须的。
A strong independent evaluations department not beholden to any single shareholder must be part of that. 要实现这样的机制,必须成立一个强势的独立评估部门,不能受任何一家股东牵制。
Banks are already becoming more beholden to national governments as the latter extend their economic lifelines. 随着中央政府伸出经济援手,银行已变得对国家政府更加心存感激。
At least you do not take us for gods, as do the dogs, and the more am I humbly beholden to you for this little service of recognition& and something more. 狗是把我们看作偶像的,至少你不把我们看作偶像,因而我越发感激你的这般赏识&以及其他种种。
But, on the contrary, the inhabitants think themselves beholden to him, who, by his industry on neglected, and consequently waste land, has increased the stock of corn, which they wanted. 但是,当地的居民反而认为自己受惠于他,通过他在被忽视因而是荒芜的土地上的劳作,增加了他们所需的谷物的储蓄。
Global dealmakers are also finding themselves beholden to a handful of young technocrats at its Anti-monopoly Bureau. 全球交易撮合者还发现,自己受制于中国反垄断局的少数年轻技术官员。
Thus we find the United States establishing itself once again more firmly and making these countries more beholden to the United States, at a time when China is trying to rise in the region. 因此,我们发现:每当中国力图在这一地区崛起之时,美国便更加牢固地再一次确立自己,并且使这些国家更加感恩于美国。
I am greatly beholden to you for your kindness. 承蒙厚爱,十分感激。
The aid has tided Egypt over hard times and kept its army strong, albeit beholden to America for arms and spare parts. 这些援助使埃及度过了困难时期,并建立了强大的国防。当然其军队的武器装备和零配件要受惠于美国了。
All mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 在他眼里,所有的人都是美好的。
It evidently pained his vanity to be beholden to the orphan for succor. 显然,向一个孤儿的救济表示感谢,伤到了他的虚荣心。
He answered right away that the church was not beholden to the government. 他马上回答说教会不受惠于政府。
Now Magna will be heavily beholden to Germany and other European governments that will provide billions in loan guarantees. 如今轮到麦格纳感谢将要提供数十亿欧元贷款担保的德国及其它欧洲国家政府。
He's too beholden to the military and the other people who put him in power. 他对将他推上台的军队和其他人有太深的感激之情。
His opponents saw his presence there as an illustration of their claim that he is beholden to the generals, who have no intention of loosening their grip on Thailand. 他的政敌将他出现在军营视为他们要求军方将领有责任保护总理的画面,而这些将领一直无意放松他们对泰国的控制。
"I don't like my children going and making themselves beholden to strange kin," murmured he. “俺不愿意叫俺的孩子跑到并不认识的本家门上,去沾人家的光。”他低声说。
She didn't like to be beholden to anyone. 她不愿欠任何人的情。
In comparison with earths, demand for minor metals is less beholden to China, traders say. 贸易商表示,与稀土元素相比,全球对稀有金属的需求不那么受制于中国。
Larger exchanges have critical mass and are often beholden to nationalist and regulatory interests, he says. 较大的交易所规模庞大,通常会屈服于民粹主义和监管利益。
She wanted to be independent and beholden to no-one. 她想独立不想依赖任何人。
I am beholden to you for your advice. 对您的忠告我很感激。
They want to work with the West and China, while being beholden to neither. 他们希望与西方和中国合作,不受任何一方的支配。
I don't like my children making themselves beholden with strange kin. 我也不想我的孩子向那些古怪亲戚低三下四。
A lion may come to Be Beholden to a mouse. 狮子也可能会受惠于小老鼠。
We were much beholden to him for his kindness. 我们对他的好意感激万分。
I am beholden to you, john, for looking after us. 约翰,承蒙你照顾我们,我很感激。
We are much beholden to you for your help. 猛你帮助,非常感激。