把(绳索)固定在岩石等上;把(攀岩者)用绳索牵在岩石等上 to attach a rope to a rock, etc. ; to make a person safe while climbing by attaching a rope to the person and to a rock, etc.
Belay-Usually means to tie something down but pirates used it to prevent someone to do something. Belay-通常的意思是把什么东西捆起来,不过海盗们用来阻止某人做某事。
I've got you on belay. I'll hold you if you do slip off. 我已帮你完成确保了,如果你真的失足,我会抓住你的。
The belay consists of anchor, friction, and position. 固定保护绳包括锚点、摩擦力和位置。
Most belay accidents are caused through failure of the belayer. 大多数固定保护绳事故都是由于保护者的失误造成的。
Top Roping: Free climbing a route that has the safety rope attached to the top of the climb ( usually one walks to the top to set up the top-rope belay). 上方确保:在已从顶端架好确保绳的岩壁上做平衡攀登(通常可先走到上方架设固定点)。
Many belay devices aid the belayer in protecting the climber above or below. 有的固定保护绳装置协助保护者保护上面或下面的攀岩者。
If the answer is nothing then the belay is good, if the answer is anything else then look again at the belay. 如果答案是没有什麽事情发生,那麽就是好的确保,如果答案是别的,再度检查确保。
At the top of the routes, the last belay is often placed on the edge of the cliff. 在线路的顶部,最后一个保护站往往设在悬崖的边上。
Do not remove a climber from the belay device until you are absolutely sure they want you to 不要把攀登者从确保器移掉直到你完全确定他们要你做
Jun: I took a climbing class once and learned how to belay and tie knots, but I've never seen anything like this. 小君:我上过一次攀岩课,学会怎么做制绳确保和绑绳结,但是我没看过像这样的。
While resting at the belay before my final effort, I had plenty of time to consider the situation. 当我做最后一次尝试前在确保处休息,我有充裕的时间思考状况,我想象。
The most important element of the belay is the anchor. 固定保护绳最重要的部分就是锚点。
You need to trust your belay stations. 你要信任你的保护站。
This paper is to study solutions of the first order nonlinear delay differential inequalities, and give sufficient condition which oscillation of solutions of the first order nonlinear belay differential equation. 本文研究一阶非线性时滞微分不等式的解,并由此得出一阶非线性时滞微分方程解的振动性的充分条件。
Robustness Protection-Time Delay Tracing Adaptive Control for Varying Time Belay Systems 时变滞后系统的鲁棒保护-时滞跟踪自适应控制